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Metadata parsed from requests-0.3.3/PKG-INFO
Author Kenneth Reitz
Author-email [email protected]
Classifier Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Intended Audience :: Developers
Natural Language :: English
License :: OSI Approved :: ISC License (ISCL)
Programming Language :: Python
Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5
Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Description Requests: The Simple (e.g. usable) HTTP Module ============================================== Most existing Python modules for dealing HTTP requests are insane. I have to look up *everything* that I want to do. Most of my worst Python experiences are a result of the various built-in HTTP libraries (yes, even worse than Logging). But this one's different. This one's going to be awesome. And simple. Really simple. Features -------- - Extremely simple GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE Requests + Simple HTTP Header Request Attachment + Simple Data/Params Request Attachment + Simple Multipart File Uploads + CookieJar Support - Simple Authentication + Simple URL + HTTP Auth Registry Usage ----- It couldn't be simpler. :: >>> import requests >>> r = requests.get('') HTTPS? Basic Authentication? :: >>> r = requests.get('') >>> r.status_code 401 Uh oh, we're not authorized! Let's add authentication. :: >>> conv_auth = ('requeststest', 'requeststest') >>> r = requests.get('', auth=conv_auth) >>> r.status_code 200 >>> r.headers['content-type'] 'application/json' >>> r.content '{"username": "requeststest", "url": "/users/requeststest/", "id": "9408", "img": "censored-long-url"}' API --- **Requests:** All request functions return a Response object (see below). If a {filename: fileobject} dictionary is passed in (files=...), a multipart_encode upload will be performed. If CookieJar object is is passed in (cookies=...), the cookies will be sent with the request. GET Requests >>> requests.get(url, params={}, headers={}, cookies=None, auth=None) <Response [200]> HEAD Requests >>> requests.head(url, params={}, headers={}, cookies=None, auth=None) <Response [200]> PUT Requests >>> requests.put(url, data='', headers={}, files={}, cookies=None, auth=None) <Response [200]> POST Requests >>>, data={}, headers={}, files={}, cookies=None, auth=None) <Response [200]> DELETE Requests >>> requests.delete(url, params={}, headers={}, cookies=None, auth=None) <Response [200]> **Responses:** Response.status_code (Integer) Received HTTP Status Code Response Response.headers (Dictionary) Received HTTP Response Headers Response.content (Bytes) Received Content Response.url (String) URL of response. Useful for detecting redirects. Response.ok (Bool) True if no errors occurred during the request, and the status_code is kosher. Response.cached (Bool) True if Response.content is stored within the object. Response.error (HTTPError) If an HTTPError occurred (e.g. status of 404), Otherwise this is None. Response.raise_for_status() Raises HTTPError if a request is not kosher. **HTTP Authentication Registry:** You can register AuthObjects to automatically enable HTTP Authentication on requests that contain a registered base URL string. >>> requests.auth_manager.add_auth(url, authobject) Installation ------------ To install requests, simply: :: $ pip install requests Or, if you absolutely must: :: $ easy_install requests But, you really shouldn't do that. Contribute ---------- If you'd like to contribute, simply fork `the repository`_, commit your changes to the **develop** branch (or branch off of it), and send a pull request. Make sure you add yourself to AUTHORS_. Roadmap ------- - Sphinx Documentation ( - Exhaustive unit tests - Get rid of Poster (gets really nasty in py3.x) - Python 3.x Support .. _`the repository`: .. _AUTHORS: History ------- 0.3.3 (2011-05-12) ++++++++++++++++++ * Request timeouts * Unicode url-encoded data * Settings context manager and module 0.3.2 (2011-04-15) ++++++++++++++++++ * Automatic Decompression of GZip Encoded Content * AutoAuth Support for Tupled HTTP Auth 0.3.1 (2011-04-01) ++++++++++++++++++ * Cookie Changes * * Poster fix 0.3.0 (2011-02-25) ++++++++++++++++++ * Automatic Authentication API Change * Smarter Query URL Parameterization * Allow file uploads and POST data together * New Authentication Manager System - Simpler Basic HTTP System - Supports all build-in urllib2 Auths - Allows for custom Auth Handlers 0.2.4 (2011-02-19) ++++++++++++++++++ * Python 2.5 Support * PyPy-c v1.4 Support * Auto-Authentication tests * Improved Request object constructor 0.2.3 (2011-02-15) ++++++++++++++++++ * New HTTPHandling Methods - Reponse.__nonzero__ (false if bad HTTP Status) - Response.ok (True if expected HTTP Status) - Response.error (Logged HTTPError if bad HTTP Status) - Reponse.raise_for_status() (Raises stored HTTPError) 0.2.2 (2011-02-14) ++++++++++++++++++ * Still handles request in the event of an HTTPError. (Issue #2) * Eventlet and Gevent Monkeypatch support. * Cookie Support (Issue #1) 0.2.1 (2011-02-14) ++++++++++++++++++ * Added file attribute to POST and PUT requests for multipart-encode file uploads. * Added Request.url attribute for context and redirects 0.2.0 (2011-02-14) ++++++++++++++++++ * Birth! 0.0.1 (2011-02-13) ++++++++++++++++++ * Frustration * Conception
License ISC
Metadata-Version 1.0
Name requests
Platform UNKNOWN
Summary Awesome Python HTTP Library that's actually usable.
Version 0.3.3

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