
# ruff: noqa: I001
import builtins
import sys
import mmap
import ctypes as ct
import array as _array
import datetime as dt
from abc import abstractmethod
from types import EllipsisType, ModuleType, TracebackType, MappingProxyType, GenericAlias
from decimal import Decimal
from fractions import Fraction
from uuid import UUID

import numpy as np
from numpy.__config__ import show as show_config
from numpy._pytesttester import PytestTester
from numpy._core._internal import _ctypes

from numpy._typing import (
    # Arrays

    # DTypes

    # Shapes

    # Scalars

    # `number` precision
    # NOTE: Do not remove the extended precision bit-types even if seemingly unused;
    # they're used by the mypy plugin

    # Character codes


    # Ufuncs

from numpy._typing._callable import (

# NOTE: Numpy's mypy plugin is used for removing the types unavailable
# to the specific platform
from numpy._typing._extended_precision import (

from numpy._array_api_info import __array_namespace_info__

from import (

if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
    from import Buffer as _SupportsBuffer
    _SupportsBuffer: TypeAlias = (
        | bytearray
        | memoryview
        | _array.array[Any]
        | mmap.mmap
        | NDArray[Any]
        | generic

from typing import (
    Literal as L,

# NOTE: `typing_extensions` and `_typeshed` are always available in `.pyi` stubs, even
# if not available at runtime. This is because the `typeshed` stubs for the standard
# library include `typing_extensions` stubs:
from _typeshed import StrOrBytesPath, SupportsFlush, SupportsLenAndGetItem, SupportsWrite
from typing_extensions import CapsuleType, LiteralString, Never, Protocol, Self, TypeVar, Unpack, deprecated, overload

from numpy import (

# available through `__getattr__`, but not in `__all__` or `__dir__`
from numpy import (
    __config__ as __config__,
    matlib as matlib,
    matrixlib as matrixlib,
    version as version,
if sys.version_info < (3, 12):
    from numpy import distutils as distutils

from numpy._core.records import (

from numpy._core.function_base import (

from numpy._core.fromnumeric import (

from numpy._core._asarray import (

from numpy._core._type_aliases import (

from numpy._core._ufunc_config import (

from numpy._core.arrayprint import (

from numpy._core.einsumfunc import (

from numpy._core.multiarray import (

from numpy._core.numeric import (

from numpy._core.numerictypes import (

from numpy._core.shape_base import (

from ._expired_attrs_2_0 import __expired_attributes__ as __expired_attributes__

from numpy.lib import (
    scimath as emath,

from numpy.lib._arraypad_impl import (

from numpy.lib._arraysetops_impl import (

from numpy.lib._function_base_impl import (

from numpy._globals import _CopyMode

from numpy.lib._histograms_impl import (

from numpy.lib._index_tricks_impl import (

from numpy.lib._nanfunctions_impl import (

from numpy.lib._npyio_impl import (

from numpy.lib._polynomial_impl import (

from numpy.lib._shape_base_impl import (

from numpy.lib._stride_tricks_impl import (

from numpy.lib._twodim_base_impl import (

from numpy.lib._type_check_impl import (

from numpy.lib._ufunclike_impl import (

from numpy.lib._utils_impl import (

from numpy.matrixlib import (

__all__ = [  # noqa: RUF022
    # __numpy_submodules__
    "char", "core", "ctypeslib", "dtypes", "exceptions", "f2py", "fft", "lib", "linalg",
    "ma", "polynomial", "random", "rec", "strings", "test", "testing", "typing",

    # _core.__all__
    "abs", "acos", "acosh", "asin", "asinh", "atan", "atanh", "atan2", "bitwise_invert",
    "bitwise_left_shift", "bitwise_right_shift", "concat", "pow", "permute_dims",
    "memmap", "sctypeDict", "record", "recarray",

    # _core.numeric.__all__
    "newaxis", "ndarray", "flatiter", "nditer", "nested_iters", "ufunc", "arange",
    "array", "asarray", "asanyarray", "ascontiguousarray", "asfortranarray", "zeros",
    "count_nonzero", "empty", "broadcast", "dtype", "fromstring", "fromfile",
    "frombuffer", "from_dlpack", "where", "argwhere", "copyto", "concatenate",
    "lexsort", "astype", "can_cast", "promote_types", "min_scalar_type", "result_type",
    "isfortran", "empty_like", "zeros_like", "ones_like", "correlate", "convolve",
    "inner", "dot", "outer", "vdot", "roll", "rollaxis", "moveaxis", "cross",
    "tensordot", "little_endian", "fromiter", "array_equal", "array_equiv", "indices",
    "fromfunction", "isclose", "isscalar", "binary_repr", "base_repr", "ones",
    "identity", "allclose", "putmask", "flatnonzero", "inf", "nan", "False_", "True_",
    "bitwise_not", "full", "full_like", "matmul", "vecdot", "vecmat",
    "shares_memory", "may_share_memory",
    "all", "amax", "amin", "any", "argmax", "argmin", "argpartition", "argsort",
    "around", "choose", "clip", "compress", "cumprod", "cumsum", "cumulative_prod",
    "cumulative_sum", "diagonal", "mean", "max", "min", "matrix_transpose", "ndim",
    "nonzero", "partition", "prod", "ptp", "put", "ravel", "repeat", "reshape",
    "resize", "round", "searchsorted", "shape", "size", "sort", "squeeze", "std", "sum",
    "swapaxes", "take", "trace", "transpose", "var",
    "absolute", "add", "arccos", "arccosh", "arcsin", "arcsinh", "arctan", "arctan2",
    "arctanh", "bitwise_and", "bitwise_or", "bitwise_xor", "cbrt", "ceil", "conj",
    "conjugate", "copysign", "cos", "cosh", "bitwise_count", "deg2rad", "degrees",
    "divide", "divmod", "e", "equal", "euler_gamma", "exp", "exp2", "expm1", "fabs",
    "floor", "floor_divide", "float_power", "fmax", "fmin", "fmod", "frexp",
    "frompyfunc", "gcd", "greater", "greater_equal", "heaviside", "hypot", "invert",
    "isfinite", "isinf", "isnan", "isnat", "lcm", "ldexp", "left_shift", "less",
    "less_equal", "log", "log10", "log1p", "log2", "logaddexp", "logaddexp2",
    "logical_and", "logical_not", "logical_or", "logical_xor", "matvec", "maximum", "minimum",
    "mod", "modf", "multiply", "negative", "nextafter", "not_equal", "pi", "positive",
    "power", "rad2deg", "radians", "reciprocal", "remainder", "right_shift", "rint",
    "sign", "signbit", "sin", "sinh", "spacing", "sqrt", "square", "subtract", "tan",
    "tanh", "true_divide", "trunc", "ScalarType", "typecodes", "issubdtype",
    "datetime_data", "datetime_as_string", "busday_offset", "busday_count", "is_busday",
    "busdaycalendar", "isdtype",
    "complexfloating", "character", "unsignedinteger", "inexact", "generic", "floating",
    "integer", "signedinteger", "number", "flexible", "bool", "float16", "float32",
    "float64", "longdouble", "complex64", "complex128", "clongdouble",
    "bytes_", "str_", "void", "object_", "datetime64", "timedelta64", "int8", "byte",
    "uint8", "ubyte", "int16", "short", "uint16", "ushort", "int32", "intc", "uint32",
    "uintc", "int64", "long", "uint64", "ulong", "longlong", "ulonglong", "intp",
    "uintp", "double", "cdouble", "single", "csingle", "half", "bool_", "int_", "uint",
    "uint128", "uint256", "int128", "int256", "float80", "float96", "float128",
    "float256", "complex160", "complex192", "complex256", "complex512",
    "array2string", "array_str", "array_repr", "set_printoptions", "get_printoptions",
    "printoptions", "format_float_positional", "format_float_scientific", "require",
    "seterr", "geterr", "setbufsize", "getbufsize", "seterrcall", "geterrcall",
    # _core.function_base.__all__
    "logspace", "linspace", "geomspace",
    # _core.getlimits.__all__
    "finfo", "iinfo",
    # _core.shape_base.__all__
    "atleast_1d", "atleast_2d", "atleast_3d", "block", "hstack", "stack", "unstack",
    # _core.einsumfunc.__all__
    "einsum", "einsum_path",
    # matrixlib.__all__
    "matrix", "bmat", "asmatrix",
    # lib._histograms_impl.__all__
    "histogram", "histogramdd", "histogram_bin_edges",
    # lib._nanfunctions_impl.__all__
    "nansum", "nanmax", "nanmin", "nanargmax", "nanargmin", "nanmean", "nanmedian",
    "nanpercentile", "nanvar", "nanstd", "nanprod", "nancumsum", "nancumprod",
    # lib._function_base_impl.__all__
    "select", "piecewise", "trim_zeros", "copy", "iterable", "percentile", "diff",
    "gradient", "angle", "unwrap", "sort_complex", "flip", "rot90", "extract", "place",
    "vectorize", "asarray_chkfinite", "average", "bincount", "digitize", "cov",
    "corrcoef", "median", "sinc", "hamming", "hanning", "bartlett", "blackman",
    "kaiser", "trapezoid", "trapz", "i0", "meshgrid", "delete", "insert", "append",
    "interp", "quantile",
    # lib._twodim_base_impl.__all__
    "diag", "diagflat", "eye", "fliplr", "flipud", "tri", "triu", "tril", "vander",
    "histogram2d", "mask_indices", "tril_indices", "tril_indices_from", "triu_indices",
    # lib._shape_base_impl.__all__
    # NOTE: `row_stack` is omitted because it is deprecated
    "column_stack", "dstack", "array_split", "split", "hsplit", "vsplit", "dsplit",
    "apply_over_axes", "expand_dims", "apply_along_axis", "kron", "tile",
    "take_along_axis", "put_along_axis",
    # lib._type_check_impl.__all__
    "iscomplexobj", "isrealobj", "imag", "iscomplex", "isreal", "nan_to_num", "real",
    "real_if_close", "typename", "mintypecode", "common_type",
    # lib._arraysetops_impl.__all__
    "ediff1d", "in1d", "intersect1d", "isin", "setdiff1d", "setxor1d", "union1d",
    "unique", "unique_all", "unique_counts", "unique_inverse", "unique_values",
    # lib._ufunclike_impl.__all__
    "fix", "isneginf", "isposinf",
    # lib._arraypad_impl.__all__
    # lib._utils_impl.__all__
    "get_include", "info", "show_runtime",
    # lib._stride_tricks_impl.__all__
    "broadcast_to", "broadcast_arrays", "broadcast_shapes",
    # lib._polynomial_impl.__all__
    "poly", "roots", "polyint", "polyder", "polyadd", "polysub", "polymul", "polydiv",
    "polyval", "poly1d", "polyfit",
    # lib._npyio_impl.__all__
    "savetxt", "loadtxt", "genfromtxt", "load", "save", "savez", "savez_compressed",
    "packbits", "unpackbits", "fromregex",
    # lib._index_tricks_impl.__all__
    "ravel_multi_index", "unravel_index", "mgrid", "ogrid", "r_", "c_", "s_",
    "index_exp", "ix_", "ndenumerate", "ndindex", "fill_diagonal", "diag_indices",

    # __init__.__all__
    "emath", "show_config", "__version__", "__array_namespace_info__",
]  # fmt: skip

### Constrained types  (for internal use only)
# Only use these for functions; never as generic type parameter.

_AnyStr = TypeVar("_AnyStr", LiteralString, str, bytes)
_AnyShapeType = TypeVar(
    tuple[()],  # 0-d
    tuple[int],  # 1-d
    tuple[int, int],  # 2-d
    tuple[int, int, int],  # 3-d
    tuple[int, int, int, int],  # 4-d
    tuple[int, int, int, int, int],  # 5-d
    tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int],  # 6-d
    tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int, int],  # 7-d
    tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int],  # 8-d
    tuple[int, ...],  # N-d
_AnyNBitInexact = TypeVar("_AnyNBitInexact", _NBitHalf, _NBitSingle, _NBitDouble, _NBitLongDouble)
_AnyTD64Item = TypeVar("_AnyTD64Item", dt.timedelta, int, None, dt.timedelta | int | None)
_AnyDT64Arg = TypeVar("_AnyDT64Arg", dt.datetime,, None)
_AnyDT64Item = TypeVar("_AnyDT64Item", dt.datetime,, int, None,, int | None)
_AnyDate = TypeVar("_AnyDate",, dt.datetime)
_AnyDateOrTime = TypeVar("_AnyDateOrTime",, dt.datetime, dt.timedelta)

### Type parameters  (for internal use only)

_T = TypeVar("_T")
_T_co = TypeVar("_T_co", covariant=True)
_T_contra = TypeVar("_T_contra", contravariant=True)
_RealT_co = TypeVar("_RealT_co", covariant=True)
_ImagT_co = TypeVar("_ImagT_co", covariant=True)

_CallableT = TypeVar("_CallableT", bound=Callable[..., object])

_DType = TypeVar("_DType", bound=dtype[Any])
_DType_co = TypeVar("_DType_co", bound=dtype[Any], covariant=True)
_FlexDType = TypeVar("_FlexDType", bound=dtype[flexible])

_ArrayT = TypeVar("_ArrayT", bound=NDArray[Any])
_ArrayT_co = TypeVar("_ArrayT_co", bound=NDArray[Any], covariant=True)
_IntegralArrayT = TypeVar("_IntegralArrayT", bound=NDArray[integer[Any] | np.bool | object_])
_RealArrayT = TypeVar("_RealArrayT", bound=NDArray[floating[Any] | integer[Any] | timedelta64 | np.bool | object_])
_NumericArrayT = TypeVar("_NumericArrayT", bound=NDArray[number[Any] | timedelta64 | object_])

_ShapeT = TypeVar("_ShapeT", bound=_Shape)
_ShapeT_co = TypeVar("_ShapeT_co", bound=_Shape, covariant=True)
_1DShapeT = TypeVar("_1DShapeT", bound=_1D)
_2DShapeT_co = TypeVar("_2DShapeT_co", bound=_2D, covariant=True)
_1NShapeT = TypeVar("_1NShapeT", bound=tuple[L[1], Unpack[tuple[L[1], ...]]])  # (1,) | (1, 1) | (1, 1, 1) | ...

_SCT = TypeVar("_SCT", bound=generic)
_SCT_co = TypeVar("_SCT_co", bound=generic, covariant=True)
_NumberT = TypeVar("_NumberT", bound=number[Any])
_RealNumberT = TypeVar("_RealNumberT", bound=floating | integer)
_FloatingT_co = TypeVar("_FloatingT_co", bound=floating[Any], default=floating[Any], covariant=True)
_IntegerT = TypeVar("_IntegerT", bound=integer)
_IntegerT_co = TypeVar("_IntegerT_co", bound=integer[Any], default=integer[Any], covariant=True)

_NBit = TypeVar("_NBit", bound=NBitBase, default=Any)
_NBit1 = TypeVar("_NBit1", bound=NBitBase, default=Any)
_NBit2 = TypeVar("_NBit2", bound=NBitBase, default=_NBit1)

_ItemT_co = TypeVar("_ItemT_co", default=Any, covariant=True)
_BoolItemT = TypeVar("_BoolItemT", bound=builtins.bool)
_BoolItemT_co = TypeVar("_BoolItemT_co", bound=builtins.bool, default=builtins.bool, covariant=True)
_NumberItemT_co = TypeVar("_NumberItemT_co", bound=int | float | complex, default=int | float | complex, covariant=True)
_InexactItemT_co = TypeVar("_InexactItemT_co", bound=float | complex, default=float | complex, covariant=True)
_FlexibleItemT_co = TypeVar(
    bound=_CharLike_co | tuple[Any, ...],
    default=_CharLike_co | tuple[Any, ...],
_CharacterItemT_co = TypeVar("_CharacterItemT_co", bound=_CharLike_co, default=_CharLike_co, covariant=True)
_TD64ItemT_co = TypeVar("_TD64ItemT_co", bound=dt.timedelta | int | None, default=dt.timedelta | int | None, covariant=True)
_DT64ItemT_co = TypeVar("_DT64ItemT_co", | int | None, | int | None, covariant=True)
_TD64UnitT = TypeVar("_TD64UnitT", bound=_TD64Unit, default=_TD64Unit)

### Type Aliases (for internal use only)

_Falsy: TypeAlias = L[False, 0] | np.bool[L[False]]
_Truthy: TypeAlias = L[True, 1] | np.bool[L[True]]

_1D: TypeAlias = tuple[int]
_2D: TypeAlias = tuple[int, int]
_2Tuple: TypeAlias = tuple[_T, _T]

_ArrayUInt_co: TypeAlias = NDArray[unsignedinteger | np.bool]
_ArrayInt_co: TypeAlias = NDArray[integer | np.bool]
_ArrayFloat64_co: TypeAlias = NDArray[floating[_64Bit] | float32 | float16 | integer | np.bool]
_ArrayFloat_co: TypeAlias = NDArray[floating | integer | np.bool]
_ArrayComplex128_co: TypeAlias = NDArray[number[_64Bit] | number[_32Bit] | float16 | integer | np.bool]
_ArrayComplex_co: TypeAlias = NDArray[inexact | integer | np.bool]
_ArrayNumber_co: TypeAlias = NDArray[number | np.bool]
_ArrayTD64_co: TypeAlias = NDArray[timedelta64 | integer | np.bool]

_Float64_co: TypeAlias = float | floating[_64Bit] | float32 | float16 | integer | np.bool
_Complex64_co: TypeAlias = number[_32Bit] | number[_16Bit] | number[_8Bit] | builtins.bool | np.bool
_Complex128_co: TypeAlias = complex | number[_64Bit] | _Complex64_co

_ToIndex: TypeAlias = SupportsIndex | slice | EllipsisType | _ArrayLikeInt_co | None
_ToIndices: TypeAlias = _ToIndex | tuple[_ToIndex, ...]

_UnsignedIntegerCType: TypeAlias = type[
    ct.c_uint8 | ct.c_uint16 | ct.c_uint32 | ct.c_uint64
    | ct.c_ushort | ct.c_uint | ct.c_ulong | ct.c_ulonglong
    | ct.c_size_t | ct.c_void_p
]  # fmt: skip
_SignedIntegerCType: TypeAlias = type[
    ct.c_int8 | ct.c_int16 | ct.c_int32 | ct.c_int64
    | ct.c_short | ct.c_int | ct.c_long | ct.c_longlong
    | ct.c_ssize_t
]  # fmt: skip
_FloatingCType: TypeAlias = type[ct.c_float | ct.c_double | ct.c_longdouble]
_IntegerCType: TypeAlias = _UnsignedIntegerCType | _SignedIntegerCType
_NumberCType: TypeAlias = _IntegerCType | _IntegerCType
_GenericCType: TypeAlias = _NumberCType | type[ct.c_bool | ct.c_char | ct.py_object[Any]]

# some commonly used builtin types that are known to result in a
# `dtype[object_]`, when their *type* is passed to the `dtype` constructor
# NOTE: `builtins.object` should not be included here
_BuiltinObjectLike: TypeAlias = (
    slice | Decimal | Fraction | UUID
    | | dt.time | dt.timedelta | dt.tzinfo
    | tuple[Any, ...] | list[Any] | set[Any] | frozenset[Any] | dict[Any, Any]
)  # fmt: skip

# Introduce an alias for `dtype` to avoid naming conflicts.
_dtype: TypeAlias = dtype[_SCT]

_ByteOrderChar: TypeAlias = L["<", ">", "=", "|"]
# can be anything, is case-insensitive, and only the first character matters
_ByteOrder: TypeAlias = L[
    "S",                # swap the current order (default)
    "<", "L", "little", # little-endian
    ">", "B", "big",    # big endian
    "=", "N", "native", # native order
    "|", "I",           # ignore
]  # fmt: skip
_DTypeKind: TypeAlias = L[
    "b",  # boolean
    "i",  # signed integer
    "u",  # unsigned integer
    "f",  # floating-point
    "c",  # complex floating-point
    "m",  # timedelta64
    "M",  # datetime64
    "O",  # python object
    "S",  # byte-string (fixed-width)
    "U",  # unicode-string (fixed-width)
    "V",  # void
    "T",  # unicode-string (variable-width)
_DTypeChar: TypeAlias = L[
    "?",  # bool
    "b",  # byte
    "B",  # ubyte
    "h",  # short
    "H",  # ushort
    "i",  # intc
    "I",  # uintc
    "l",  # long
    "L",  # ulong
    "q",  # longlong
    "Q",  # ulonglong
    "e",  # half
    "f",  # single
    "d",  # double
    "g",  # longdouble
    "F",  # csingle
    "D",  # cdouble
    "G",  # clongdouble
    "O",  # object
    "S",  # bytes_ (S0)
    "a",  # bytes_ (deprecated)
    "U",  # str_
    "V",  # void
    "M",  # datetime64
    "m",  # timedelta64
    "c",  # bytes_ (S1)
    "T",  # StringDType
_DTypeNum: TypeAlias = L[
    0,  # bool
    1,  # byte
    2,  # ubyte
    3,  # short
    4,  # ushort
    5,  # intc
    6,  # uintc
    7,  # long
    8,  # ulong
    9,  # longlong
    10,  # ulonglong
    23,  # half
    11,  # single
    12,  # double
    13,  # longdouble
    14,  # csingle
    15,  # cdouble
    16,  # clongdouble
    17,  # object
    18,  # bytes_
    19,  # str_
    20,  # void
    21,  # datetime64
    22,  # timedelta64
    25,  # no type
    256,  # user-defined
    2056,  # StringDType
_DTypeBuiltinKind: TypeAlias = L[0, 1, 2]

_ArrayAPIVersion: TypeAlias = L["2021.12", "2022.12", "2023.12"]

_CastingKind: TypeAlias = L["no", "equiv", "safe", "same_kind", "unsafe"]

_OrderKACF: TypeAlias = L[None, "K", "A", "C", "F"]
_OrderACF: TypeAlias = L[None, "A", "C", "F"]
_OrderCF: TypeAlias = L[None, "C", "F"]

_ModeKind: TypeAlias = L["raise", "wrap", "clip"]
_PartitionKind: TypeAlias = L["introselect"]
# in practice, only the first case-insensitive character is considered (so e.g.
# "QuantumSort3000" will be interpreted as quicksort).
_SortKind: TypeAlias = L[
    "Q", "quick", "quicksort",
    "M", "merge", "mergesort",
    "H", "heap", "heapsort",
    "S", "stable", "stablesort",
_SortSide: TypeAlias = L["left", "right"]

_ConvertibleToInt: TypeAlias = SupportsInt | SupportsIndex | _CharLike_co
_ConvertibleToFloat: TypeAlias =  SupportsFloat | SupportsIndex | _CharLike_co
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
    _ConvertibleToComplex: TypeAlias = SupportsComplex | SupportsFloat | SupportsIndex | _CharLike_co
    _ConvertibleToComplex: TypeAlias = complex | SupportsComplex | SupportsFloat | SupportsIndex | _CharLike_co
_ConvertibleToTD64: TypeAlias = dt.timedelta | int | _CharLike_co | character | number | timedelta64 | np.bool | None
_ConvertibleToDT64: TypeAlias = | int | _CharLike_co | character | number | datetime64 | np.bool | None

_NDIterFlagsKind: TypeAlias = L[
    "grow_inner", "growinner",
_NDIterFlagsOp: TypeAlias = L[

_MemMapModeKind: TypeAlias = L[
    "readonly", "r",
    "copyonwrite", "c",
    "readwrite", "r+",
    "write", "w+",

_DT64Date: TypeAlias = _HasDateAttributes | L["TODAY", "today", b"TODAY", b"today"]
_DT64Now: TypeAlias = L["NOW", "now", b"NOW", b"now"]
_NaTValue: TypeAlias = L["NAT","NaT", "nat",b"NAT", b"NaT", b"nat"]

_MonthUnit: TypeAlias = L["Y", "M", b"Y", b"M"]
_DayUnit: TypeAlias = L["W", "D", b"W", b"D"]
_DateUnit: TypeAlias = L[_MonthUnit, _DayUnit]
_NativeTimeUnit: TypeAlias = L["h", "m", "s", "ms", "us", "μs", b"h", b"m", b"s", b"ms", b"us"]
_IntTimeUnit: TypeAlias = L["ns", "ps", "fs", "as", b"ns", b"ps", b"fs", b"as"]
_TimeUnit: TypeAlias = L[_NativeTimeUnit, _IntTimeUnit]
_NativeTD64Unit: TypeAlias = L[_DayUnit, _NativeTimeUnit]
_IntTD64Unit: TypeAlias = L[_MonthUnit, _IntTimeUnit]
_TD64Unit: TypeAlias = L[_DateUnit, _TimeUnit]
_TimeUnitSpec: TypeAlias = _TD64UnitT | tuple[_TD64UnitT, SupportsIndex]

### TypedDict's (for internal use only)

class _FormerAttrsDict(TypedDict):
    object: LiteralString
    float: LiteralString
    complex: LiteralString
    str: LiteralString
    int: LiteralString

### Protocols (for internal use only)

class _SupportsFileMethods(SupportsFlush, Protocol):
    # Protocol for representing file-like-objects accepted by `ndarray.tofile` and `fromfile`
    def fileno(self) -> SupportsIndex: ...
    def tell(self) -> SupportsIndex: ...
    def seek(self, offset: int, whence: int, /) -> object: ...

class _SupportsFileMethodsRW(SupportsWrite[bytes], _SupportsFileMethods, Protocol):

class _SupportsItem(Protocol[_T_co]):
    def item(self, /) -> _T_co: ...

class _SupportsDLPack(Protocol[_T_contra]):
    def __dlpack__(self, /, *, stream: _T_contra | None = None) -> CapsuleType: ...

class _HasShape(Protocol[_ShapeT_co]):
    def shape(self, /) -> _ShapeT_co: ...

class _HasShapeAndSupportsItem(_HasShape[_ShapeT_co], _SupportsItem[_T_co], Protocol[_ShapeT_co, _T_co]):

# matches any `x` on `x.type.item() -> _T_co`, e.g. `dtype[np.int8]` gives `_T_co: int`
class _HasTypeWithItem(Protocol[_T_co]):
    def type(self, /) -> type[_SupportsItem[_T_co]]: ...

# matches any `x` on `x.shape: _ShapeT_co` and `x.dtype.type.item() -> _T_co`,
# useful for capturing the item-type (`_T_co`) of the scalar-type of an array with
# specific shape (`_ShapeT_co`).
class _HasShapeAndDTypeWithItem(Protocol[_ShapeT_co, _T_co]):
    def shape(self, /) -> _ShapeT_co: ...
    def dtype(self, /) -> _HasTypeWithItem[_T_co]: ...

class _HasRealAndImag(Protocol[_RealT_co, _ImagT_co]):
    def real(self, /) -> _RealT_co: ...
    def imag(self, /) -> _ImagT_co: ...

class _HasTypeWithRealAndImag(Protocol[_RealT_co, _ImagT_co]):
    def type(self, /) -> type[_HasRealAndImag[_RealT_co, _ImagT_co]]: ...

class _HasDTypeWithRealAndImag(Protocol[_RealT_co, _ImagT_co]):
    def dtype(self, /) -> _HasTypeWithRealAndImag[_RealT_co, _ImagT_co]: ...

class _HasDateAttributes(Protocol):
    # The `datetime64` constructors requires an object with the three attributes below,
    # and thus supports datetime duck typing
    def day(self) -> int: ...
    def month(self) -> int: ...
    def year(self) -> int: ...

### Mixins (for internal use only)

class _RealMixin:
    def real(self) -> Self: ...
    def imag(self) -> Self: ...

class _RoundMixin:
    def __round__(self, /, ndigits: None = None) -> int: ...
    def __round__(self, /, ndigits: SupportsIndex) -> Self: ...

class _IntegralMixin(_RealMixin):
    def numerator(self) -> Self: ...
    def denominator(self) -> L[1]: ...

    def is_integer(self, /) -> L[True]: ...

### Public API

__version__: Final[LiteralString] = ...

e: Final[float] = ...
euler_gamma: Final[float] = ...
pi: Final[float] = ...
inf: Final[float] = ...
nan: Final[float] = ...
little_endian: Final[builtins.bool] = ...
False_: Final[np.bool[L[False]]] = ...
True_: Final[np.bool[L[True]]] = ...
newaxis: Final[None] = None

# not in __all__
__NUMPY_SETUP__: Final[L[False]] = False
__numpy_submodules__: Final[set[LiteralString]] = ...
__former_attrs__: Final[_FormerAttrsDict] = ...
__future_scalars__: Final[set[L["bytes", "str", "object"]]] = ...
__array_api_version__: Final[L["2023.12"]] = "2023.12"
test: Final[PytestTester] = ...

class dtype(Generic[_SCT_co]):
    names: None | tuple[builtins.str, ...]
    def __hash__(self) -> int: ...

    # `None` results in the default dtype
    def __new__(
        dtype: None | type[float64],
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...
    ) -> dtype[float64]: ...

    # Overload for `dtype` instances, scalar types, and instances that have a
    # `dtype: dtype[_SCT]` attribute
    def __new__(
        dtype: _DTypeLike[_SCT],
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[_SCT]: ...

    # Builtin types
    # NOTE: Typecheckers act as if `bool <: int <: float <: complex <: object`,
    # even though at runtime `int`, `float`, and `complex` aren't subtypes..
    # This makes it impossible to express e.g. "a float that isn't an int",
    # since type checkers treat `_: float` like `_: float | int`.
    # For more details, see:
    # -
    # -
    def __new__(
        dtype: type[builtins.bool | np.bool],
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[np.bool]: ...
    # NOTE: `_: type[int]` also accepts `type[int | bool]`
    def __new__(
        dtype: type[int | int_ | np.bool],
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[int_ | np.bool]: ...
    # NOTE: `_: type[float]` also accepts `type[float | int | bool]`
    # NOTE: `float64` inherits from `float` at runtime; but this isn't
    # reflected in these stubs. So an explicit `float64` is required here.
    def __new__(
        dtype: None | type[float | float64 | int_ | np.bool],
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[float64 | int_ | np.bool]: ...
    # NOTE: `_: type[complex]` also accepts `type[complex | float | int | bool]`
    def __new__(
        dtype: type[complex | complex128 | float64 | int_ | np.bool],
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[complex128 | float64 | int_ | np.bool]: ...
    def __new__(
        dtype: type[bytes],  # also includes `type[bytes_]`
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[bytes_]: ...
    def __new__(
        dtype: type[str],  # also includes `type[str_]`
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[str_]: ...
    # NOTE: These `memoryview` overloads assume PEP 688, which requires mypy to
    # be run with the (undocumented) `--disable-memoryview-promotion` flag,
    # This will be the default in a future mypy release, see:
    # Pyright / Pylance requires setting `disableBytesTypePromotions=true`,
    # which is the default in strict mode
    def __new__(
        dtype: type[memoryview | void],
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[void]: ...
    # NOTE: `_: type[object]` would also accept e.g. `type[object | complex]`,
    # and is therefore not included here
    def __new__(
        dtype: type[_BuiltinObjectLike | object_],
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[object_]: ...

    # Unions of builtins.
    def __new__(
        dtype: type[bytes | str],
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[character]: ...
    def __new__(
        dtype: type[bytes | str | memoryview],
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[flexible]: ...
    def __new__(
        dtype: type[complex | bytes | str | memoryview | _BuiltinObjectLike],
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[np.bool | int_ | float64 | complex128 | flexible | object_]: ...

    # `unsignedinteger` string-based representations and ctypes
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _UInt8Codes | type[ct.c_uint8], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[uint8]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _UInt16Codes | type[ct.c_uint16], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[uint16]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _UInt32Codes | type[ct.c_uint32], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[uint32]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _UInt64Codes | type[ct.c_uint64], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[uint64]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _UByteCodes | type[ct.c_ubyte], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[ubyte]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _UShortCodes | type[ct.c_ushort], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[ushort]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _UIntCCodes | type[ct.c_uint], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[uintc]: ...
    # NOTE: We're assuming here that `uint_ptr_t == size_t`,
    # an assumption that does not hold in rare cases (same for `ssize_t`)
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _UIntPCodes | type[ct.c_void_p] | type[ct.c_size_t], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[uintp]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _ULongCodes | type[ct.c_ulong], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[ulong]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _ULongLongCodes | type[ct.c_ulonglong], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[ulonglong]: ...

    # `signedinteger` string-based representations and ctypes
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _Int8Codes | type[ct.c_int8], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[int8]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _Int16Codes | type[ct.c_int16], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[int16]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _Int32Codes | type[ct.c_int32], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[int32]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _Int64Codes | type[ct.c_int64], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[int64]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _ByteCodes | type[ct.c_byte], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[byte]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _ShortCodes | type[ct.c_short], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[short]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _IntCCodes | type[ct.c_int], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[intc]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _IntPCodes | type[ct.c_ssize_t], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[intp]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _LongCodes | type[ct.c_long], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[long]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _LongLongCodes | type[ct.c_longlong], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[longlong]: ...

    # `floating` string-based representations and ctypes
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _Float16Codes, align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[float16]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _Float32Codes, align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[float32]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _Float64Codes, align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[float64]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _HalfCodes, align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[half]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _SingleCodes | type[ct.c_float], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[single]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _DoubleCodes | type[ct.c_double], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[double]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _LongDoubleCodes | type[ct.c_longdouble], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[longdouble]: ...

    # `complexfloating` string-based representations
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _Complex64Codes, align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[complex64]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _Complex128Codes, align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[complex128]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _CSingleCodes, align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[csingle]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _CDoubleCodes, align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[cdouble]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _CLongDoubleCodes, align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[clongdouble]: ...

    # Miscellaneous string-based representations and ctypes
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _BoolCodes | type[ct.c_bool], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[np.bool]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _TD64Codes, align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[timedelta64]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _DT64Codes, align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[datetime64]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _StrCodes, align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[str_]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _BytesCodes | type[ct.c_char], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[bytes_]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _VoidCodes | _VoidDTypeLike, align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[void]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: _ObjectCodes | type[ct.py_object[Any]], align: builtins.bool = ..., copy: builtins.bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[object_]: ...

    # `StringDType` requires special treatment because it has no scalar type
    def __new__(
        dtype: dtypes.StringDType | _StringCodes,
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...
    ) -> dtypes.StringDType: ...

    # Combined char-codes and ctypes, analogous to the scalar-type hierarchy
    def __new__(
        dtype: _UnsignedIntegerCodes | _UnsignedIntegerCType,
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]: ...
    def __new__(
        dtype: _SignedIntegerCodes | _SignedIntegerCType,
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[signedinteger[Any]]: ...
    def __new__(
        dtype: _IntegerCodes | _IntegerCType,
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[integer[Any]]: ...
    def __new__(
        dtype: _FloatingCodes | _FloatingCType,
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[floating[Any]]: ...
    def __new__(
        dtype: _ComplexFloatingCodes,
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]: ...
    def __new__(
        dtype: _InexactCodes | _FloatingCType,
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[inexact[Any]]: ...
    def __new__(
        dtype: _NumberCodes | _NumberCType,
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[number[Any]]: ...
    def __new__(
        dtype: _CharacterCodes | type[ct.c_char],
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[character]: ...
    def __new__(
        dtype: _FlexibleCodes | type[ct.c_char],
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[flexible]: ...
    def __new__(
        dtype: _GenericCodes | _GenericCType,
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[generic]: ...

    # Handle strings that can't be expressed as literals; i.e. "S1", "S2", ...
    def __new__(
        dtype: builtins.str,
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[Any]: ...

    # Catch-all overload for object-likes
    # NOTE: `object_ | Any` is *not* equivalent to `Any` -- it describes some
    # (static) type `T` s.t. `object_ <: T <: builtins.object` (`<:` denotes
    # the subtyping relation, the (gradual) typing analogue of `issubclass()`).
    def __new__(
        dtype: type[object],
        align: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
        metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...,
    ) -> dtype[object_ | Any]: ...

    def __class_getitem__(cls, item: Any, /) -> GenericAlias: ...

    def __getitem__(self: dtype[void], key: list[builtins.str], /) -> dtype[void]: ...
    def __getitem__(self: dtype[void], key: builtins.str | SupportsIndex, /) -> dtype[Any]: ...

    # NOTE: In the future 1-based multiplications will also yield `flexible` dtypes
    def __mul__(self: _DType, value: L[1], /) -> _DType: ...
    def __mul__(self: _FlexDType, value: SupportsIndex, /) -> _FlexDType: ...
    def __mul__(self, value: SupportsIndex, /) -> dtype[void]: ...

    # NOTE: `__rmul__` seems to be broken when used in combination with
    # literals as of mypy 0.902. Set the return-type to `dtype[Any]` for
    # now for non-flexible dtypes.
    def __rmul__(self: _FlexDType, value: SupportsIndex, /) -> _FlexDType: ...
    def __rmul__(self, value: SupportsIndex, /) -> dtype[Any]: ...

    def __gt__(self, other: DTypeLike, /) -> builtins.bool: ...
    def __ge__(self, other: DTypeLike, /) -> builtins.bool: ...
    def __lt__(self, other: DTypeLike, /) -> builtins.bool: ...
    def __le__(self, other: DTypeLike, /) -> builtins.bool: ...

    # Explicitly defined `__eq__` and `__ne__` to get around mypy's
    # `strict_equality` option; even though their signatures are
    # identical to their `object`-based counterpart
    def __eq__(self, other: Any, /) -> builtins.bool: ...
    def __ne__(self, other: Any, /) -> builtins.bool: ...

    def alignment(self) -> int: ...
    def base(self) -> dtype[Any]: ...
    def byteorder(self) -> _ByteOrderChar: ...
    def char(self) -> _DTypeChar: ...
    def descr(self) -> list[tuple[LiteralString, LiteralString] | tuple[LiteralString, LiteralString, _Shape]]: ...
    def fields(self,) -> None | MappingProxyType[LiteralString, tuple[dtype[Any], int] | tuple[dtype[Any], int, Any]]: ...
    def flags(self) -> int: ...
    def hasobject(self) -> builtins.bool: ...
    def isbuiltin(self) -> _DTypeBuiltinKind: ...
    def isnative(self) -> builtins.bool: ...
    def isalignedstruct(self) -> builtins.bool: ...
    def itemsize(self) -> int: ...
    def kind(self) -> _DTypeKind: ...
    def metadata(self) -> None | MappingProxyType[builtins.str, Any]: ...
    def name(self) -> LiteralString: ...
    def num(self) -> _DTypeNum: ...
    def shape(self) -> tuple[()] | _Shape: ...
    def ndim(self) -> int: ...
    def subdtype(self) -> None | tuple[dtype[Any], _Shape]: ...
    def newbyteorder(self, new_order: _ByteOrder = ..., /) -> Self: ...
    def str(self) -> LiteralString: ...
    def type(self) -> type[_SCT_co]: ...

class flatiter(Generic[_ArrayT_co]):
    __hash__: ClassVar[None]
    def base(self) -> _ArrayT_co: ...
    def coords(self) -> _Shape: ...
    def index(self) -> int: ...
    def copy(self) -> _ArrayT_co: ...
    def __iter__(self) -> Self: ...
    def __next__(self: flatiter[NDArray[_SCT]]) -> _SCT: ...
    def __len__(self) -> int: ...
    def __getitem__(
        self: flatiter[NDArray[_SCT]],
        key: int | integer[Any] | tuple[int | integer[Any]],
    ) -> _SCT: ...
    def __getitem__(
        key: _ArrayLikeInt | slice | EllipsisType | tuple[_ArrayLikeInt | slice | EllipsisType],
    ) -> _ArrayT_co: ...
    # TODO: `__setitem__` operates via `unsafe` casting rules, and can
    # thus accept any type accepted by the relevant underlying `np.generic`
    # constructor.
    # This means that `value` must in reality be a supertype of `npt.ArrayLike`.
    def __setitem__(
        key: _ArrayLikeInt | slice | EllipsisType | tuple[_ArrayLikeInt | slice | EllipsisType],
        value: Any,
    ) -> None: ...
    def __array__(self: flatiter[ndarray[_1DShapeT, _DType]], dtype: None = ..., /) -> ndarray[_1DShapeT, _DType]: ...
    def __array__(self: flatiter[ndarray[_1DShapeT, Any]], dtype: _DType, /) -> ndarray[_1DShapeT, _DType]: ...
    def __array__(self: flatiter[ndarray[_Shape, _DType]], dtype: None = ..., /) -> ndarray[_Shape, _DType]: ...
    def __array__(self, dtype: _DType, /) -> ndarray[_Shape, _DType]: ...

class _ArrayOrScalarCommon:
    def real(self, /) -> Any: ...
    def imag(self, /) -> Any: ...
    def T(self) -> Self: ...
    def mT(self) -> Self: ...
    def data(self) -> memoryview: ...
    def flags(self) -> flagsobj: ...
    def itemsize(self) -> int: ...
    def nbytes(self) -> int: ...
    def device(self) -> L["cpu"]: ...

    def __bool__(self, /) -> builtins.bool: ...
    def __int__(self, /) -> int: ...
    def __float__(self, /) -> float: ...
    def __copy__(self) -> Self: ...
    def __deepcopy__(self, memo: None | dict[int, Any], /) -> Self: ...

    # TODO: How to deal with the non-commutative nature of `==` and `!=`?
    # xref numpy/numpy#17368
    def __eq__(self, other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __ne__(self, other: Any, /) -> Any: ...

    def copy(self, order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> Self: ...
    def dump(self, file: StrOrBytesPath | SupportsWrite[bytes]) -> None: ...
    def dumps(self) -> bytes: ...
    def tobytes(self, order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> bytes: ...
    # NOTE: `tostring()` is deprecated and therefore excluded
    # def tostring(self, order=...): ...
    def tofile(self, fid: StrOrBytesPath | _SupportsFileMethods, sep: str = ..., format: str = ...) -> None: ...
    # generics and 0d arrays return builtin scalars
    def tolist(self) -> Any: ...
    def to_device(self, device: L["cpu"], /, *, stream: None | int | Any = ...) -> Self: ...

    def __array_interface__(self) -> dict[str, Any]: ...
    def __array_priority__(self) -> float: ...
    def __array_struct__(self) -> CapsuleType: ...  # builtins.PyCapsule
    def __array_namespace__(self, /, *, api_version: _ArrayAPIVersion | None = None) -> ModuleType: ...
    def __setstate__(self, state: tuple[
        SupportsIndex,  # version
        _ShapeLike,  # Shape
        _DType_co,  # DType
        np.bool,  # F-continuous
        bytes | list[Any],  # Data
    ], /) -> None: ...

    def conj(self) -> Self: ...
    def conjugate(self) -> Self: ...

    def argsort(
        axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...,
        kind: None | _SortKind = ...,
        order: None | str | Sequence[str] = ...,
        stable: None | bool = ...,
    ) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

    @overload  # axis=None (default), out=None (default), keepdims=False (default)
    def argmax(self, /, axis: None = None, out: None = None, *, keepdims: L[False] = False) -> intp: ...
    @overload  # axis=index, out=None (default)
    def argmax(self, /, axis: SupportsIndex, out: None = None, *, keepdims: builtins.bool = False) -> Any: ...
    @overload  # axis=index, out=ndarray
    def argmax(self, /, axis: SupportsIndex | None, out: _ArrayT, *, keepdims: builtins.bool = False) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def argmax(self, /, axis: SupportsIndex | None = None, *, out: _ArrayT, keepdims: builtins.bool = False) -> _ArrayT: ...

    @overload  # axis=None (default), out=None (default), keepdims=False (default)
    def argmin(self, /, axis: None = None, out: None = None, *, keepdims: L[False] = False) -> intp: ...
    @overload  # axis=index, out=None (default)
    def argmin(self, /, axis: SupportsIndex, out: None = None, *, keepdims: builtins.bool = False) -> Any: ...
    @overload  # axis=index, out=ndarray
    def argmin(self, /, axis: SupportsIndex | None, out: _ArrayT, *, keepdims: builtins.bool = False) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def argmin(self, /, axis: SupportsIndex | None = None, *, out: _ArrayT, keepdims: builtins.bool = False) -> _ArrayT: ...

    @overload  # out=None (default)
    def round(self, /, decimals: SupportsIndex = 0, out: None = None) -> Self: ...
    @overload  # out=ndarray
    def round(self, /, decimals: SupportsIndex, out: _ArrayT) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def round(self, /, decimals: SupportsIndex = 0, *, out: _ArrayT) -> _ArrayT: ...

    @overload  # out=None (default)
    def choose(self, /, choices: ArrayLike, out: None = None, mode: _ModeKind = "raise") -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    @overload  # out=ndarray
    def choose(self, /, choices: ArrayLike, out: _ArrayT, mode: _ModeKind = "raise") -> _ArrayT: ...

    # TODO: Annotate kwargs with an unpacked `TypedDict`
    @overload  # out: None (default)
    def clip(self, /, min: ArrayLike, max: ArrayLike | None = None, out: None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    def clip(self, /, min: None, max: ArrayLike, out: None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    def clip(self, /, min: None = None, *, max: ArrayLike, out: None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    @overload  # out: ndarray
    def clip(self, /, min: ArrayLike, max: ArrayLike | None, out: _ArrayT, **kwargs: Any) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def clip(self, /, min: ArrayLike, max: ArrayLike | None = None, *, out: _ArrayT, **kwargs: Any) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def clip(self, /, min: None, max: ArrayLike, out: _ArrayT, **kwargs: Any) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def clip(self, /, min: None = None, *, max: ArrayLike, out: _ArrayT, **kwargs: Any) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def compress(self, /, condition: _ArrayLikeInt_co, axis: SupportsIndex | None = None, out: None = None) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    def compress(self, /, condition: _ArrayLikeInt_co, axis: SupportsIndex | None, out: _ArrayT) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def compress(self, /, condition: _ArrayLikeInt_co, axis: SupportsIndex | None = None, *, out: _ArrayT) -> _ArrayT: ...

    @overload  # out: None (default)
    def cumprod(self, /, axis: SupportsIndex | None = None, dtype: DTypeLike | None = None, out: None = None) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    @overload  # out: ndarray
    def cumprod(self, /, axis: SupportsIndex | None, dtype: DTypeLike | None, out: _ArrayT) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def cumprod(self, /, axis: SupportsIndex | None = None, dtype: DTypeLike | None = None, *, out: _ArrayT) -> _ArrayT: ...

    @overload  # out: None (default)
    def cumsum(self, /, axis: SupportsIndex | None = None, dtype: DTypeLike | None = None, out: None = None) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    @overload  # out: ndarray
    def cumsum(self, /, axis: SupportsIndex | None, dtype: DTypeLike | None, out: _ArrayT) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def cumsum(self, /, axis: SupportsIndex | None = None, dtype: DTypeLike | None = None, *, out: _ArrayT) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def max(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None = None,
        out: None = None,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        initial: _NumberLike_co = ...,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> Any: ...
    def max(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        initial: _NumberLike_co = ...,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def max(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None = None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        initial: _NumberLike_co = ...,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def min(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None = None,
        out: None = None,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        initial: _NumberLike_co = ...,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> Any: ...
    def min(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        initial: _NumberLike_co = ...,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def min(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None = None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        initial: _NumberLike_co = ...,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def sum(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None = None,
        dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
        out: None = None,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        initial: _NumberLike_co = 0,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> Any: ...
    def sum(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None,
        dtype: DTypeLike | None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        initial: _NumberLike_co = 0,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def sum(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None = None,
        dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        initial: _NumberLike_co = 0,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def prod(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None = None,
        dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
        out: None = None,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        initial: _NumberLike_co = 1,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> Any: ...
    def prod(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None,
        dtype: DTypeLike | None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        initial: _NumberLike_co = 1,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def prod(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None = None,
        dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        initial: _NumberLike_co = 1,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def mean(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None = None,
        dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
        out: None = None,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> Any: ...
    def mean(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None,
        dtype: DTypeLike | None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def mean(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None = None,
        dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def std(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None = None,
        dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
        out: None = None,
        ddof: float = 0,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
        mean: _ArrayLikeNumber_co = ...,
        correction: float = ...,
    ) -> Any: ...
    def std(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None,
        dtype: DTypeLike | None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        ddof: float = 0,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
        mean: _ArrayLikeNumber_co = ...,
        correction: float = ...,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def std(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None = None,
        dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        ddof: float = 0,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
        mean: _ArrayLikeNumber_co = ...,
        correction: float = ...,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def var(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None = None,
        dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
        out: None = None,
        ddof: float = 0,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
        mean: _ArrayLikeNumber_co = ...,
        correction: float = ...,
    ) -> Any: ...
    def var(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None,
        dtype: DTypeLike | None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        ddof: float = 0,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
        mean: _ArrayLikeNumber_co = ...,
        correction: float = ...,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def var(
        axis: _ShapeLike | None = None,
        dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        ddof: float = 0,
        keepdims: builtins.bool = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
        mean: _ArrayLikeNumber_co = ...,
        correction: float = ...,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...

class ndarray(_ArrayOrScalarCommon, Generic[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]):
    __hash__: ClassVar[None]  # type: ignore[assignment]  # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleMethodOverride]
    def base(self) -> None | NDArray[Any]: ...
    def ndim(self) -> int: ...
    def size(self) -> int: ...
    def real(self: _HasDTypeWithRealAndImag[_SCT, object], /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_SCT]]: ...
    def real(self, value: ArrayLike, /) -> None: ...
    def imag(self: _HasDTypeWithRealAndImag[object, _SCT], /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_SCT]]: ...
    def imag(self, value: ArrayLike, /) -> None: ...

    def __new__(
        shape: _ShapeLike,
        dtype: DTypeLike = ...,
        buffer: None | _SupportsBuffer = ...,
        offset: SupportsIndex = ...,
        strides: None | _ShapeLike = ...,
        order: _OrderKACF = ...,
    ) -> Self: ...

    if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
        def __buffer__(self, flags: int, /) -> memoryview: ...

    def __class_getitem__(cls, item: Any, /) -> GenericAlias: ...

    def __array__(
        self, dtype: None = ..., /, *, copy: None | bool = ...
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __array__(
        self, dtype: _DType, /, *, copy: None | bool = ...
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType]: ...

    def __array_ufunc__(
        ufunc: ufunc,
        method: L["__call__", "reduce", "reduceat", "accumulate", "outer", "at"],
        *inputs: Any,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> Any: ...

    def __array_function__(
        func: Callable[..., Any],
        types: Iterable[type],
        args: Iterable[Any],
        kwargs: Mapping[str, Any],
    ) -> Any: ...

    # NOTE: In practice any object is accepted by `obj`, but as `__array_finalize__`
    # is a pseudo-abstract method the type has been narrowed down in order to
    # grant subclasses a bit more flexibility
    def __array_finalize__(self, obj: None | NDArray[Any], /) -> None: ...

    def __array_wrap__(
        array: ndarray[_ShapeT, _DType],
        context: None | tuple[ufunc, tuple[Any, ...], int] = ...,
        return_scalar: builtins.bool = ...,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT, _DType]: ...

    def __getitem__(self, key: _ArrayInt_co | tuple[_ArrayInt_co, ...], /) -> ndarray[_Shape, _DType_co]: ...
    def __getitem__(self, key: SupportsIndex | tuple[SupportsIndex, ...], /) -> Any: ...
    def __getitem__(self, key: _ToIndices, /) -> ndarray[_Shape, _DType_co]: ...
    def __getitem__(self: NDArray[void], key: str, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, np.dtype[Any]]: ...
    def __getitem__(self: NDArray[void], key: list[str], /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _dtype[void]]: ...

    @overload  # flexible | object_ | bool
    def __setitem__(
        self: ndarray[Any, dtype[flexible | object_ | np.bool] | dtypes.StringDType],
        key: _ToIndices,
        value: object,
    ) -> None: ...
    @overload  # integer
    def __setitem__(
        self: NDArray[integer],
        key: _ToIndices,
        value: _ConvertibleToInt | _NestedSequence[_ConvertibleToInt] | _ArrayLikeInt_co,
    ) -> None: ...
    @overload  # floating
    def __setitem__(
        self: NDArray[floating],
        key: _ToIndices,
        value: _ConvertibleToFloat | _NestedSequence[_ConvertibleToFloat | None] | _ArrayLikeFloat_co | None,
    ) -> None: ...
    @overload  # complexfloating
    def __setitem__(
        self: NDArray[complexfloating],
        key: _ToIndices,
        value: _ConvertibleToComplex | _NestedSequence[_ConvertibleToComplex | None] | _ArrayLikeNumber_co | None,
    ) -> None: ...
    @overload  # timedelta64
    def __setitem__(
        self: NDArray[timedelta64],
        key: _ToIndices,
        value: _ConvertibleToTD64 | _NestedSequence[_ConvertibleToTD64],
    ) -> None: ...
    @overload  # datetime64
    def __setitem__(
        self: NDArray[datetime64],
        key: _ToIndices,
        value: _ConvertibleToDT64 | _NestedSequence[_ConvertibleToDT64],
    ) -> None: ...
    @overload  # void
    def __setitem__(self: NDArray[void], key: str | list[str], value: object, /) -> None: ...
    @overload  # catch-all
    def __setitem__(self, key: _ToIndices, value: ArrayLike, /) -> None: ...

    def ctypes(self) -> _ctypes[int]: ...
    def shape(self) -> _ShapeT_co: ...
    def shape(self, value: _ShapeLike) -> None: ...
    def strides(self) -> _Shape: ...
    def strides(self, value: _ShapeLike) -> None: ...
    def byteswap(self, inplace: builtins.bool = ...) -> Self: ...
    def fill(self, value: Any) -> None: ...
    def flat(self) -> flatiter[Self]: ...

    @overload  # special casing for `StringDType`, which has no scalar type
    def item(self: ndarray[Any, dtypes.StringDType], /) -> str: ...
    def item(self: ndarray[Any, dtypes.StringDType], arg0: SupportsIndex | tuple[SupportsIndex, ...] = ..., /) -> str: ...
    def item(self: ndarray[Any, dtypes.StringDType], /, *args: SupportsIndex) -> str: ...
    @overload  # use the same output type as that of the underlying `generic`
    def item(self: _HasShapeAndDTypeWithItem[Any, _T], /) -> _T: ...
    def item(self: _HasShapeAndDTypeWithItem[Any, _T], arg0: SupportsIndex | tuple[SupportsIndex, ...] = ..., /) -> _T: ...
    def item(self: _HasShapeAndDTypeWithItem[Any, _T], /, *args: SupportsIndex) -> _T: ...

    def tolist(self: _HasShapeAndSupportsItem[tuple[()], _T], /) -> _T: ...
    def tolist(self: _HasShapeAndSupportsItem[tuple[int], _T], /) -> list[_T]: ...
    def tolist(self: _HasShapeAndSupportsItem[tuple[int, int], _T], /) -> list[list[_T]]: ...
    def tolist(self: _HasShapeAndSupportsItem[tuple[int, int, int], _T], /) -> list[list[list[_T]]]: ...
    def tolist(self: _HasShapeAndSupportsItem[Any, _T], /) -> _T | list[_T] | list[list[_T]] | list[list[list[Any]]]: ...

    def resize(self, new_shape: _ShapeLike, /, *, refcheck: builtins.bool = ...) -> None: ...
    def resize(self, *new_shape: SupportsIndex, refcheck: builtins.bool = ...) -> None: ...

    def setflags(
        self, write: builtins.bool = ..., align: builtins.bool = ..., uic: builtins.bool = ...
    ) -> None: ...

    def squeeze(
        axis: None | SupportsIndex | tuple[SupportsIndex, ...] = ...,
    ) -> ndarray[_Shape, _DType_co]: ...

    def swapaxes(
        axis1: SupportsIndex,
        axis2: SupportsIndex,
    ) -> ndarray[_Shape, _DType_co]: ...

    def transpose(self, axes: None | _ShapeLike, /) -> Self: ...
    def transpose(self, *axes: SupportsIndex) -> Self: ...

    def all(
        axis: None = None,
        out: None = None,
        keepdims: L[False, 0] = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True
    ) -> np.bool: ...
    def all(
        axis: None | int | tuple[int, ...] = None,
        out: None = None,
        keepdims: SupportsIndex = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> np.bool | NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def all(
        axis: None | int | tuple[int, ...],
        out: _ArrayT,
        keepdims: SupportsIndex = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def all(
        axis: None | int | tuple[int, ...] = None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        keepdims: SupportsIndex = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def any(
        axis: None = None,
        out: None = None,
        keepdims: L[False, 0] = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True
    ) -> np.bool: ...
    def any(
        axis: None | int | tuple[int, ...] = None,
        out: None = None,
        keepdims: SupportsIndex = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> np.bool | NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def any(
        axis: None | int | tuple[int, ...],
        out: _ArrayT,
        keepdims: SupportsIndex = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def any(
        axis: None | int | tuple[int, ...] = None,
        out: _ArrayT,
        keepdims: SupportsIndex = False,
        where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = True,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def argpartition(
        kth: _ArrayLikeInt_co,
        axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...,
        kind: _PartitionKind = ...,
        order: None | str | Sequence[str] = ...,
    ) -> NDArray[intp]: ...

    def diagonal(
        offset: SupportsIndex = ...,
        axis1: SupportsIndex = ...,
        axis2: SupportsIndex = ...,
    ) -> ndarray[_Shape, _DType_co]: ...

    # 1D + 1D returns a scalar;
    # all other with at least 1 non-0D array return an ndarray.
    def dot(self, b: _ScalarLike_co, out: None = ...) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    def dot(self, b: ArrayLike, out: None = ...) -> Any: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def dot(self, b: ArrayLike, out: _ArrayT) -> _ArrayT: ...

    # `nonzero()` is deprecated for 0d arrays/generics
    def nonzero(self) -> tuple[NDArray[intp], ...]: ...

    def partition(
        kth: _ArrayLikeInt_co,
        axis: SupportsIndex = ...,
        kind: _PartitionKind = ...,
        order: None | str | Sequence[str] = ...,
    ) -> None: ...

    # `put` is technically available to `generic`,
    # but is pointless as `generic`s are immutable
    def put(
        ind: _ArrayLikeInt_co,
        v: ArrayLike,
        mode: _ModeKind = ...,
    ) -> None: ...

    def searchsorted(  # type: ignore[misc]
        self,  # >= 1D array
        v: _ScalarLike_co,  # 0D array-like
        side: _SortSide = ...,
        sorter: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
    ) -> intp: ...
    def searchsorted(
        self,  # >= 1D array
        v: ArrayLike,
        side: _SortSide = ...,
        sorter: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...,
    ) -> NDArray[intp]: ...

    def setfield(
        val: ArrayLike,
        dtype: DTypeLike,
        offset: SupportsIndex = ...,
    ) -> None: ...

    def sort(
        axis: SupportsIndex = ...,
        kind: None | _SortKind = ...,
        order: None | str | Sequence[str] = ...,
        stable: None | bool = ...,
    ) -> None: ...

    def trace(
        self,  # >= 2D array
        offset: SupportsIndex = ...,
        axis1: SupportsIndex = ...,
        axis2: SupportsIndex = ...,
        dtype: DTypeLike = ...,
        out: None = ...,
    ) -> Any: ...
    def trace(
        self,  # >= 2D array
        offset: SupportsIndex = ...,
        axis1: SupportsIndex = ...,
        axis2: SupportsIndex = ...,
        dtype: DTypeLike = ...,
        out: _ArrayT = ...,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def take(  # type: ignore[misc]
        self: NDArray[_SCT],
        indices: _IntLike_co,
        axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...,
        out: None = ...,
        mode: _ModeKind = ...,
    ) -> _SCT: ...
    def take(  # type: ignore[misc]
        indices: _ArrayLikeInt_co,
        axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...,
        out: None = ...,
        mode: _ModeKind = ...,
    ) -> ndarray[_Shape, _DType_co]: ...
    def take(
        indices: _ArrayLikeInt_co,
        axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...,
        out: _ArrayT = ...,
        mode: _ModeKind = ...,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def repeat(
        repeats: _ArrayLikeInt_co,
        axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...,
    ) -> ndarray[_Shape, _DType_co]: ...

    def flatten(self, /, order: _OrderKACF = "C") -> ndarray[tuple[int], _DType_co]: ...
    def ravel(self, /, order: _OrderKACF = "C") -> ndarray[tuple[int], _DType_co]: ...

    # NOTE: reshape also accepts negative integers, so we can't use integer literals
    @overload  # (None)
    def reshape(self, shape: None, /, *, order: _OrderACF = "C", copy: builtins.bool | None = None) -> Self: ...
    @overload  # (empty_sequence)
    def reshape(  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]  # mypy false positive
        shape: Sequence[Never],
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> ndarray[tuple[()], _DType_co]: ...
    @overload  # (() | (int) | (int, int) | ....)  # up to 8-d
    def reshape(
        shape: _AnyShapeType,
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> ndarray[_AnyShapeType, _DType_co]: ...
    @overload  # (index)
    def reshape(
        size1: SupportsIndex,
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> ndarray[tuple[int], _DType_co]: ...
    @overload  # (index, index)
    def reshape(
        size1: SupportsIndex,
        size2: SupportsIndex,
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> ndarray[tuple[int, int], _DType_co]: ...
    @overload  # (index, index, index)
    def reshape(
        size1: SupportsIndex,
        size2: SupportsIndex,
        size3: SupportsIndex,
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> ndarray[tuple[int, int, int], _DType_co]: ...
    @overload  # (index, index, index, index)
    def reshape(
        size1: SupportsIndex,
        size2: SupportsIndex,
        size3: SupportsIndex,
        size4: SupportsIndex,
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> ndarray[tuple[int, int, int, int], _DType_co]: ...
    @overload  # (int, *(index, ...))
    def reshape(
        size0: SupportsIndex,
        *shape: SupportsIndex,
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> ndarray[_Shape, _DType_co]: ...
    @overload  # (sequence[index])
    def reshape(
        shape: Sequence[SupportsIndex],
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> ndarray[_Shape, _DType_co]: ...

    def astype(
        dtype: _DTypeLike[_SCT],
        order: _OrderKACF = ...,
        casting: _CastingKind = ...,
        subok: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool | _CopyMode = ...,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_SCT]]: ...
    def astype(
        dtype: DTypeLike,
        order: _OrderKACF = ...,
        casting: _CastingKind = ...,
        subok: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool | _CopyMode = ...,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[Any]]: ...

    def view(self) -> Self: ...
    def view(self, type: type[_ArrayT]) -> _ArrayT: ...
    def view(self, dtype: _DTypeLike[_SCT]) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
    def view(self, dtype: DTypeLike) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    def view(
        dtype: DTypeLike,
        type: type[_ArrayT],
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def getfield(
        dtype: _DTypeLike[_SCT],
        offset: SupportsIndex = ...
    ) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
    def getfield(
        dtype: DTypeLike,
        offset: SupportsIndex = ...
    ) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

    def __index__(self: NDArray[np.integer[Any]], /) -> int: ...
    def __int__(self: NDArray[number[Any] | np.timedelta64 | np.bool | object_], /) -> int: ...
    def __float__(self: NDArray[number[Any] | np.timedelta64 | np.bool | object_], /) -> float: ...
    def __complex__(self: NDArray[number[Any] | np.bool | object_], /) -> complex: ...

    def __len__(self) -> int: ...
    def __contains__(self, value: object, /) -> builtins.bool: ...

    @overload  # == 1-d & object_
    def __iter__(self: ndarray[tuple[int], dtype[object_]], /) -> Iterator[Any]: ...
    @overload  # == 1-d
    def __iter__(self: ndarray[tuple[int], dtype[_SCT]], /) -> Iterator[_SCT]: ...
    @overload  # >= 2-d
    def __iter__(self: ndarray[tuple[int, int, Unpack[tuple[int, ...]]], dtype[_SCT]], /) -> Iterator[NDArray[_SCT]]: ...
    @overload  # ?-d
    def __iter__(self, /) -> Iterator[Any]: ...

    # The last overload is for catching recursive objects whose
    # nesting is too deep.
    # The first overload is for catching `bytes` (as they are a subtype of
    # `Sequence[int]`) and `str`. As `str` is a recursive sequence of
    # strings, it will pass through the final overload otherwise

    def __lt__(self: _ArrayNumber_co, other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __lt__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __lt__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __lt__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __lt__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...

    def __le__(self: _ArrayNumber_co, other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __le__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __le__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __le__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __le__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...

    def __gt__(self: _ArrayNumber_co, other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __gt__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __gt__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __gt__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __gt__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...

    def __ge__(self: _ArrayNumber_co, other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __ge__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __ge__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __ge__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def __ge__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...

    # Unary ops

    # TODO: Uncomment once is fixed
    # @overload
    # def __abs__(self: ndarray[_ShapeType, dtypes.Complex64DType], /) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtypes.Float32DType]: ...
    # @overload
    # def __abs__(self: ndarray[_ShapeType, dtypes.Complex128DType], /) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtypes.Float64DType]: ...
    # @overload
    # def __abs__(self: ndarray[_ShapeType, dtypes.CLongDoubleDType], /) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtypes.LongDoubleDType]: ...
    # @overload
    # def __abs__(self: ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[complex128]], /) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[float64]]: ...
    def __abs__(
        self: ndarray[_ShapeT, dtype[complexfloating[_AnyNBitInexact]]], /
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT, dtype[floating[_AnyNBitInexact]]]: ...
    def __abs__(self: _RealArrayT, /) -> _RealArrayT: ...

    def __invert__(self: _IntegralArrayT, /) -> _IntegralArrayT: ...  # noqa: PYI019
    def __neg__(self: _NumericArrayT, /) -> _NumericArrayT: ...  # noqa: PYI019
    def __pos__(self: _NumericArrayT, /) -> _NumericArrayT: ...  # noqa: PYI019

    # Binary ops

    # TODO: Support the "1d @ 1d -> scalar" case
    def __matmul__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...
    def __matmul__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __matmul__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLike[_NumberT], /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __matmul__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __matmul__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __matmul__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex128_co, /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __matmul__(self: _ArrayComplex128_co, other: _ArrayLike[complexfloating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __matmul__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __matmul__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __matmul__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __matmul__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> NDArray[complexfloating]: ...
    def __matmul__(self: NDArray[number], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[number]: ...
    def __matmul__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __matmul__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    @overload  # signature equivalent to __matmul__
    def __rmatmul__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...
    def __rmatmul__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmatmul__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLike[_NumberT], /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmatmul__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __rmatmul__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __rmatmul__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex128_co, /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __rmatmul__(self: _ArrayComplex128_co, other: _ArrayLike[complexfloating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __rmatmul__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmatmul__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmatmul__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmatmul__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]: ...
    def __rmatmul__(self: NDArray[number], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[number[Any]]: ...
    def __rmatmul__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __rmatmul__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __mod__(self: NDArray[_RealNumberT], other: int | np.bool, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_RealNumberT]]: ...
    def __mod__(self: NDArray[_RealNumberT], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[_RealNumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __mod__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[int8]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __mod__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLike[_RealNumberT], /) -> NDArray[_RealNumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __mod__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __mod__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __mod__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __mod__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __mod__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...
    def __mod__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLike[timedelta64], /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __mod__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __mod__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    @overload  # signature equivalent to __mod__
    def __rmod__(self: NDArray[_RealNumberT], other: int | np.bool, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_RealNumberT]]: ...
    def __rmod__(self: NDArray[_RealNumberT], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[_RealNumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmod__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[int8]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmod__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLike[_RealNumberT], /) -> NDArray[_RealNumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmod__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __rmod__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __rmod__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmod__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmod__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...
    def __rmod__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLike[timedelta64], /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __rmod__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __rmod__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __divmod__(self: NDArray[_RealNumberT], rhs: int | np.bool, /) -> _2Tuple[ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_RealNumberT]]]: ...
    def __divmod__(self: NDArray[_RealNumberT], rhs: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[_RealNumberT]]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __divmod__(self: NDArray[np.bool], rhs: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[int8]]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __divmod__(self: NDArray[np.bool], rhs: _ArrayLike[_RealNumberT], /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[_RealNumberT]]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __divmod__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], rhs: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[float64]]: ...
    def __divmod__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, rhs: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[float64]]: ...
    def __divmod__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, rhs: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[unsignedinteger]]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __divmod__(self: _ArrayInt_co, rhs: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[signedinteger]]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __divmod__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, rhs: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[floating]]: ...
    def __divmod__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], rhs: _ArrayLike[timedelta64], /) -> tuple[NDArray[int64], NDArray[timedelta64]]: ...

    @overload  # signature equivalent to __divmod__
    def __rdivmod__(self: NDArray[_RealNumberT], lhs: int | np.bool, /) -> _2Tuple[ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_RealNumberT]]]: ...
    def __rdivmod__(self: NDArray[_RealNumberT], lhs: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[_RealNumberT]]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rdivmod__(self: NDArray[np.bool], lhs: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[int8]]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rdivmod__(self: NDArray[np.bool], lhs: _ArrayLike[_RealNumberT], /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[_RealNumberT]]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rdivmod__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], lhs: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[float64]]: ...
    def __rdivmod__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, lhs: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[float64]]: ...
    def __rdivmod__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, lhs: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[unsignedinteger]]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rdivmod__(self: _ArrayInt_co, lhs: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[signedinteger]]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rdivmod__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, lhs: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[floating]]: ...
    def __rdivmod__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], lhs: _ArrayLike[timedelta64], /) -> tuple[NDArray[int64], NDArray[timedelta64]]: ...

    def __add__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: int | np.bool, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_NumberT]]: ...
    def __add__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __add__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __add__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLike[_NumberT], /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __add__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __add__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __add__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex128_co, /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __add__(self: _ArrayComplex128_co, other: _ArrayLike[complexfloating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __add__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __add__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __add__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __add__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> NDArray[complexfloating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __add__(self: NDArray[number], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[number]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __add__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __add__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co, /) -> NDArray[datetime64]: ...
    def __add__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, /) -> NDArray[datetime64]: ...
    def __add__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __add__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    @overload  # signature equivalent to __add__
    def __radd__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: int | np.bool, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_NumberT]]: ...
    def __radd__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __radd__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __radd__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLike[_NumberT], /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __radd__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __radd__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __radd__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex128_co, /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __radd__(self: _ArrayComplex128_co, other: _ArrayLike[complexfloating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __radd__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __radd__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __radd__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __radd__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> NDArray[complexfloating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __radd__(self: NDArray[number], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[number]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __radd__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __radd__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co, /) -> NDArray[datetime64]: ...
    def __radd__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, /) -> NDArray[datetime64]: ...
    def __radd__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __radd__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __sub__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: int | np.bool, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_NumberT]]: ...
    def __sub__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __sub__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NoReturn: ...
    def __sub__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLike[_NumberT], /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __sub__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __sub__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __sub__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex128_co, /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __sub__(self: _ArrayComplex128_co, other: _ArrayLike[complexfloating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __sub__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __sub__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __sub__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __sub__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> NDArray[complexfloating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __sub__(self: NDArray[number], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[number]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __sub__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __sub__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, /) -> NDArray[datetime64]: ...
    def __sub__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co, /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __sub__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __sub__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __rsub__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: int | np.bool, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_NumberT]]: ...
    def __rsub__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rsub__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NoReturn: ...
    def __rsub__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLike[_NumberT], /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rsub__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __rsub__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __rsub__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex128_co, /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __rsub__(self: _ArrayComplex128_co, other: _ArrayLike[complexfloating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __rsub__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rsub__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rsub__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rsub__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> NDArray[complexfloating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rsub__(self: NDArray[number], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[number]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rsub__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __rsub__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co, /) -> NDArray[datetime64]: ...
    def __rsub__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co, /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __rsub__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __rsub__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __mul__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: int | np.bool, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_NumberT]]: ...
    def __mul__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __mul__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __mul__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLike[_NumberT], /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __mul__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __mul__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __mul__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex128_co, /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __mul__(self: _ArrayComplex128_co, other: _ArrayLike[complexfloating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __mul__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __mul__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __mul__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __mul__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> NDArray[complexfloating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __mul__(self: NDArray[number], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[number]: ...
    def __mul__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __mul__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLike[timedelta64], /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __mul__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __mul__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    @overload  # signature equivalent to __mul__
    def __rmul__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: int | np.bool, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_NumberT]]: ...
    def __rmul__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmul__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmul__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLike[_NumberT], /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmul__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __rmul__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __rmul__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex128_co, /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __rmul__(self: _ArrayComplex128_co, other: _ArrayLike[complexfloating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __rmul__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmul__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmul__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmul__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> NDArray[complexfloating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rmul__(self: NDArray[number], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[number]: ...
    def __rmul__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __rmul__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLike[timedelta64], /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __rmul__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __rmul__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __truediv__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __truediv__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co | _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __truediv__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex128_co, /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __truediv__(self: _ArrayComplex128_co, other: _ArrayLike[complexfloating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __truediv__(self: NDArray[floating], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...
    def __truediv__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating], /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...
    def __truediv__(self: NDArray[complexfloating], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[complexfloating]: ...
    def __truediv__(self: _ArrayNumber_co, other: _ArrayLike[complexfloating], /) -> NDArray[complexfloating]: ...
    def __truediv__(self: NDArray[inexact], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[inexact]: ...
    def __truediv__(self: NDArray[number], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[number]: ...
    def __truediv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLike[timedelta64], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __truediv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NoReturn: ...
    def __truediv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __truediv__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __truediv__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __rtruediv__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co | _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex128_co, /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self: _ArrayComplex128_co, other: _ArrayLike[complexfloating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self: NDArray[floating], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating], /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self: NDArray[complexfloating], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[complexfloating]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self: _ArrayNumber_co, other: _ArrayLike[complexfloating], /) -> NDArray[complexfloating]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self: NDArray[inexact], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[inexact]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self: NDArray[number], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[number]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLike[timedelta64], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self: NDArray[integer | floating], other: _ArrayLike[timedelta64], /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[_RealNumberT], other: int | np.bool, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_RealNumberT]]: ...
    def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[_RealNumberT], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[_RealNumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[int8]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLike[_RealNumberT], /) -> NDArray[_RealNumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __floordiv__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __floordiv__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __floordiv__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __floordiv__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...
    def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLike[timedelta64], /) -> NDArray[int64]: ...
    def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NoReturn: ...
    def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __rfloordiv__(self: NDArray[_RealNumberT], other: int | np.bool, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_RealNumberT]]: ...
    def __rfloordiv__(self: NDArray[_RealNumberT], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[_RealNumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rfloordiv__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[int8]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rfloordiv__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLike[_RealNumberT], /) -> NDArray[_RealNumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rfloordiv__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __rfloordiv__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __rfloordiv__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rfloordiv__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rfloordiv__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rfloordiv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLike[timedelta64], /) -> NDArray[int64]: ...
    def __rfloordiv__(self: NDArray[floating | integer], other: _ArrayLike[timedelta64], /) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
    def __rfloordiv__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __rfloordiv__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __pow__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: int | np.bool, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_NumberT]]: ...
    def __pow__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __pow__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[int8]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __pow__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLike[_NumberT], /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __pow__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __pow__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __pow__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex128_co, /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __pow__(self: _ArrayComplex128_co, other: _ArrayLike[complexfloating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __pow__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __pow__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __pow__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __pow__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> NDArray[complexfloating]: ...
    def __pow__(self: NDArray[number], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[number]: ...
    def __pow__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __pow__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __rpow__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: int | np.bool, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, dtype[_NumberT]]: ...
    def __rpow__(self: NDArray[_NumberT], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rpow__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[int8]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rpow__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLike[_NumberT], /) -> NDArray[_NumberT]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rpow__(self: NDArray[floating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat64_co, /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __rpow__(self: _ArrayFloat64_co, other: _ArrayLike[floating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
    def __rpow__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_64Bit]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex128_co, /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __rpow__(self: _ArrayComplex128_co, other: _ArrayLike[complexfloating[_64Bit]], /) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...
    def __rpow__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rpow__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rpow__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> NDArray[floating]: ...  # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
    def __rpow__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> NDArray[complexfloating]: ...
    def __rpow__(self: NDArray[number], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co, /) -> NDArray[number]: ...
    def __rpow__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __rpow__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __lshift__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[int8]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __lshift__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __lshift__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]: ...
    def __lshift__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __lshift__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __rlshift__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[int8]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __rlshift__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __rlshift__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]: ...
    def __rlshift__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __rlshift__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __rshift__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[int8]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __rshift__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __rshift__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]: ...
    def __rshift__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __rshift__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __rrshift__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[int8]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __rrshift__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __rrshift__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]: ...
    def __rrshift__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __rrshift__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __and__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __and__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __and__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]: ...
    def __and__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __and__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __rand__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __rand__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __rand__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]: ...
    def __rand__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __rand__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __xor__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __xor__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __xor__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]: ...
    def __xor__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __xor__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __rxor__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __rxor__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __rxor__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]: ...
    def __rxor__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __rxor__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __or__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __or__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __or__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]: ...
    def __or__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __or__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    def __ror__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __ror__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __ror__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]: ...
    def __ror__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> Any: ...
    def __ror__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co, /) -> Any: ...

    # `np.generic` does not support inplace operations

    # NOTE: Inplace ops generally use "same_kind" casting w.r.t. to the left
    # operand. An exception to this rule are unsigned integers though, which
    # also accepts a signed integer for the right operand as long it is a 0D
    # object and its value is >= 0
    # NOTE: Due to a mypy bug, overloading on e.g. `self: NDArray[SCT_floating]` won't
    # work, as this will lead to `false negatives` when using these inplace ops.
    def __iadd__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __iadd__(
        self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]],
        other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __iadd__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __iadd__(self: NDArray[float64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __iadd__(self: NDArray[floating[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __iadd__(self: NDArray[complex128], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __iadd__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __iadd__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __iadd__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __iadd__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...

    def __isub__(
        self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]],
        other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __isub__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __isub__(self: NDArray[float64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __isub__(self: NDArray[floating[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __isub__(self: NDArray[complex128], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __isub__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __isub__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __isub__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __isub__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...

    def __imul__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imul__(
        self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]],
        other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imul__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imul__(self: NDArray[float64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imul__(self: NDArray[floating[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imul__(self: NDArray[complex128], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imul__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imul__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imul__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...

    def __itruediv__(self: NDArray[float64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __itruediv__(self: NDArray[floating[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __itruediv__(self: NDArray[complex128], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __itruediv__(
        self: NDArray[complexfloating[Any]],
        other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __itruediv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeInt, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __itruediv__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...

    def __ifloordiv__(
        self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]],
        other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ifloordiv__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ifloordiv__(self: NDArray[float64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ifloordiv__(self: NDArray[floating[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ifloordiv__(self: NDArray[complex128], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ifloordiv__(
        self: NDArray[complexfloating[Any]],
        other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ifloordiv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeInt, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ifloordiv__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...

    def __ipow__(
        self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]],
        other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ipow__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ipow__(self: NDArray[float64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ipow__(self: NDArray[floating[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ipow__(self: NDArray[complex128], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ipow__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ipow__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...

    def __imod__(
        self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]],
        other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imod__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imod__(self: NDArray[float64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imod__(self: NDArray[floating[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imod__(
        self: NDArray[timedelta64],
        other: _SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]]],
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imod__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...

    def __ilshift__(
        self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]],
        other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ilshift__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ilshift__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...

    def __irshift__(
        self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]],
        other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __irshift__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __irshift__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...

    def __iand__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __iand__(
        self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]],
        other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __iand__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __iand__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...

    def __ixor__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ixor__(
        self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]],
        other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ixor__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ixor__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...

    def __ior__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ior__(
        self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]],
        other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co,
    ) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ior__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __ior__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...

    def __imatmul__(self: NDArray[np.bool], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imatmul__(self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imatmul__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imatmul__(self: NDArray[float64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imatmul__(self: NDArray[floating[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imatmul__(self: NDArray[complex128], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imatmul__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __imatmul__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any, /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...

    def __dlpack__(
        self: NDArray[number[Any]],
        stream: int | Any | None = None,
        max_version: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
        dl_device: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> CapsuleType: ...
    def __dlpack_device__(self, /) -> tuple[L[1], L[0]]: ...

    # Keep `dtype` at the bottom to avoid name conflicts with `np.dtype`
    def dtype(self) -> _DType_co: ...

# NOTE: while `np.generic` is not technically an instance of `ABCMeta`,
# the `@abstractmethod` decorator is herein used to (forcefully) deny
# the creation of `np.generic` instances.
# The `# type: ignore` comments are necessary to silence mypy errors regarding
# the missing `ABCMeta` metaclass.
# See for more details.
class generic(_ArrayOrScalarCommon, Generic[_ItemT_co]):
    def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: ...
    def __hash__(self) -> int: ...
    def __array__(self, dtype: None = None, /) -> ndarray[tuple[()], dtype[Self]]: ...
    def __array__(self, dtype: _DType, /) -> ndarray[tuple[()], _DType]: ...
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
        def __buffer__(self, flags: int, /) -> memoryview: ...

    def base(self) -> None: ...
    def ndim(self) -> L[0]: ...
    def size(self) -> L[1]: ...
    def shape(self) -> tuple[()]: ...
    def strides(self) -> tuple[()]: ...
    def flat(self) -> flatiter[ndarray[tuple[int], dtype[Self]]]: ...

    def item(self, /) -> _ItemT_co: ...
    def item(self, arg0: L[0, -1] | tuple[L[0, -1]] | tuple[()] = ..., /) -> _ItemT_co: ...
    def tolist(self, /) -> _ItemT_co: ...

    def byteswap(self, inplace: L[False] = ...) -> Self: ...

    def astype(
        dtype: _DTypeLike[_SCT],
        order: _OrderKACF = ...,
        casting: _CastingKind = ...,
        subok: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool | _CopyMode = ...,
    ) -> _SCT: ...
    def astype(
        dtype: DTypeLike,
        order: _OrderKACF = ...,
        casting: _CastingKind = ...,
        subok: builtins.bool = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool | _CopyMode = ...,
    ) -> Any: ...

    # NOTE: `view` will perform a 0D->scalar cast,
    # thus the array `type` is irrelevant to the output type
    def view(self, type: type[NDArray[Any]] = ...) -> Self: ...
    def view(
        dtype: _DTypeLike[_SCT],
        type: type[NDArray[Any]] = ...,
    ) -> _SCT: ...
    def view(
        dtype: DTypeLike,
        type: type[NDArray[Any]] = ...,
    ) -> Any: ...

    def getfield(
        dtype: _DTypeLike[_SCT],
        offset: SupportsIndex = ...
    ) -> _SCT: ...
    def getfield(
        dtype: DTypeLike,
        offset: SupportsIndex = ...
    ) -> Any: ...

    def take(  # type: ignore[misc]
        indices: _IntLike_co,
        axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...,
        out: None = ...,
        mode: _ModeKind = ...,
    ) -> Self: ...
    def take(  # type: ignore[misc]
        indices: _ArrayLikeInt_co,
        axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...,
        out: None = ...,
        mode: _ModeKind = ...,
    ) -> NDArray[Self]: ...
    def take(
        indices: _ArrayLikeInt_co,
        axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...,
        out: _ArrayT = ...,
        mode: _ModeKind = ...,
    ) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def repeat(self, repeats: _ArrayLikeInt_co, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...) -> NDArray[Self]: ...
    def flatten(self, /, order: _OrderKACF = "C") -> ndarray[tuple[int], dtype[Self]]: ...
    def ravel(self, /, order: _OrderKACF = "C") -> ndarray[tuple[int], dtype[Self]]: ...

    @overload  # (() | [])
    def reshape(
        shape: tuple[()] | list[Never],
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> Self: ...
    @overload  # ((1, *(1, ...))@_ShapeType)
    def reshape(
        shape: _1NShapeT,
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> ndarray[_1NShapeT, dtype[Self]]: ...
    @overload  # (Sequence[index, ...])  # not recommended
    def reshape(
        shape: Sequence[SupportsIndex],
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> Self | ndarray[tuple[L[1], ...], dtype[Self]]: ...
    @overload  # _(index)
    def reshape(
        size1: SupportsIndex,
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> ndarray[tuple[L[1]], dtype[Self]]: ...
    @overload  # _(index, index)
    def reshape(
        size1: SupportsIndex,
        size2: SupportsIndex,
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> ndarray[tuple[L[1], L[1]], dtype[Self]]: ...
    @overload  # _(index, index, index)
    def reshape(
        size1: SupportsIndex,
        size2: SupportsIndex,
        size3: SupportsIndex,
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> ndarray[tuple[L[1], L[1], L[1]], dtype[Self]]: ...
    @overload  # _(index, index, index, index)
    def reshape(
        size1: SupportsIndex,
        size2: SupportsIndex,
        size3: SupportsIndex,
        size4: SupportsIndex,
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> ndarray[tuple[L[1], L[1], L[1], L[1]], dtype[Self]]: ...
    @overload  # _(index, index, index, index, index, *index)  # ndim >= 5
    def reshape(
        size1: SupportsIndex,
        size2: SupportsIndex,
        size3: SupportsIndex,
        size4: SupportsIndex,
        size5: SupportsIndex,
        *sizes6_: SupportsIndex,
        order: _OrderACF = "C",
        copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
    ) -> ndarray[tuple[L[1], L[1], L[1], L[1], L[1], Unpack[tuple[L[1], ...]]], dtype[Self]]: ...

    def squeeze(self, axis: None | L[0] | tuple[()] = ...) -> Self: ...
    def transpose(self, axes: None | tuple[()] = ..., /) -> Self: ...

    def all(
        axis: L[0, -1] | tuple[()] | None = None,
        out: None = None,
        keepdims: SupportsIndex = False,
        where: builtins.bool | np.bool | ndarray[tuple[()], dtype[np.bool]] = True
    ) -> np.bool: ...
    def all(
        axis: L[0, -1] | tuple[()] | None,
        out: ndarray[tuple[()], dtype[_SCT]],
        keepdims: SupportsIndex = False,
        where: builtins.bool | np.bool | ndarray[tuple[()], dtype[np.bool]] = True,
    ) -> _SCT: ...
    def all(
        axis: L[0, -1] | tuple[()] | None = None,
        out: ndarray[tuple[()], dtype[_SCT]],
        keepdims: SupportsIndex = False,
        where: builtins.bool | np.bool | ndarray[tuple[()], dtype[np.bool]] = True,
    ) -> _SCT: ...

    def any(
        axis: L[0, -1] | tuple[()] | None = None,
        out: None = None,
        keepdims: SupportsIndex = False,
        where: builtins.bool | np.bool | ndarray[tuple[()], dtype[np.bool]] = True
    ) -> np.bool: ...
    def any(
        axis: L[0, -1] | tuple[()] | None,
        out: ndarray[tuple[()], dtype[_SCT]],
        keepdims: SupportsIndex = False,
        where: builtins.bool | np.bool | ndarray[tuple[()], dtype[np.bool]] = True,
    ) -> _SCT: ...
    def any(
        axis: L[0, -1] | tuple[()] | None = None,
        out: ndarray[tuple[()], dtype[_SCT]],
        keepdims: SupportsIndex = False,
        where: builtins.bool | np.bool | ndarray[tuple[()], dtype[np.bool]] = True,
    ) -> _SCT: ...

    # Keep `dtype` at the bottom to avoid name conflicts with `np.dtype`
    def dtype(self) -> _dtype[Self]: ...

class number(generic[_NumberItemT_co], Generic[_NBit, _NumberItemT_co]):
    def __init__(self, value: _NumberItemT_co, /) -> None: ...
    def __class_getitem__(cls, item: Any, /) -> GenericAlias: ...

    def __neg__(self) -> Self: ...
    def __pos__(self) -> Self: ...
    def __abs__(self) -> Self: ...

    __add__: _NumberOp
    __radd__: _NumberOp
    __sub__: _NumberOp
    __rsub__: _NumberOp
    __mul__: _NumberOp
    __rmul__: _NumberOp
    __floordiv__: _NumberOp
    __rfloordiv__: _NumberOp
    __pow__: _NumberOp
    __rpow__: _NumberOp
    __truediv__: _NumberOp
    __rtruediv__: _NumberOp

    __lt__: _ComparisonOpLT[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]
    __le__: _ComparisonOpLE[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]
    __gt__: _ComparisonOpGT[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]
    __ge__: _ComparisonOpGE[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]

class bool(generic[_BoolItemT_co], Generic[_BoolItemT_co]):
    def itemsize(self) -> L[1]: ...
    def nbytes(self) -> L[1]: ...
    def real(self) -> Self: ...
    def imag(self) -> np.bool[L[False]]: ...

    def __init__(self: np.bool[L[False]], /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self: np.bool[L[False]], value: _Falsy = ..., /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self: np.bool[L[True]], value: _Truthy, /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self, value: object, /) -> None: ...

    def __bool__(self, /) -> _BoolItemT_co: ...
    def __int__(self: np.bool[L[False]], /) -> L[0]: ...
    def __int__(self: np.bool[L[True]], /) -> L[1]: ...
    def __int__(self, /) -> L[0, 1]: ...
    @deprecated("In future, it will be an error for 'np.bool' scalars to be interpreted as an index")
    def __index__(self, /) -> L[0, 1]: ...
    def __abs__(self) -> Self: ...

    def __invert__(self: np.bool[L[False]], /) -> np.bool[L[True]]: ...
    def __invert__(self: np.bool[L[True]], /) -> np.bool[L[False]]: ...
    def __invert__(self, /) -> np.bool: ...

    __add__: _BoolOp[np.bool]
    __radd__: _BoolOp[np.bool]
    __sub__: _BoolSub
    __rsub__: _BoolSub
    __mul__: _BoolOp[np.bool]
    __rmul__: _BoolOp[np.bool]
    __truediv__: _BoolTrueDiv
    __rtruediv__: _BoolTrueDiv
    __floordiv__: _BoolOp[int8]
    __rfloordiv__: _BoolOp[int8]
    __pow__: _BoolOp[int8]
    __rpow__: _BoolOp[int8]

    __lshift__: _BoolBitOp[int8]
    __rlshift__: _BoolBitOp[int8]
    __rshift__: _BoolBitOp[int8]
    __rrshift__: _BoolBitOp[int8]

    def __and__(self: np.bool[L[False]], other: builtins.bool | np.bool, /) -> np.bool[L[False]]: ...
    def __and__(self, other: L[False] | np.bool[L[False]], /) -> np.bool[L[False]]: ...
    def __and__(self, other: L[True] | np.bool[L[True]], /) -> Self: ...
    def __and__(self, other: builtins.bool | np.bool, /) -> np.bool: ...
    def __and__(self, other: _IntegerT, /) -> _IntegerT: ...
    def __and__(self, other: int, /) -> np.bool | intp: ...
    __rand__ = __and__

    def __xor__(self: np.bool[L[False]], other: _BoolItemT | np.bool[_BoolItemT], /) -> np.bool[_BoolItemT]: ...
    def __xor__(self: np.bool[L[True]], other: L[True] | np.bool[L[True]], /) -> np.bool[L[False]]: ...
    def __xor__(self, other: L[False] | np.bool[L[False]], /) -> Self: ...
    def __xor__(self, other: builtins.bool | np.bool, /) -> np.bool: ...
    def __xor__(self, other: _IntegerT, /) -> _IntegerT: ...
    def __xor__(self, other: int, /) -> np.bool | intp: ...
    __rxor__ = __xor__

    def __or__(self: np.bool[L[True]], other: builtins.bool | np.bool, /) -> np.bool[L[True]]: ...
    def __or__(self, other: L[False] | np.bool[L[False]], /) -> Self: ...
    def __or__(self, other: L[True] | np.bool[L[True]], /) -> np.bool[L[True]]: ...
    def __or__(self, other: builtins.bool | np.bool, /) -> np.bool: ...
    def __or__(self, other: _IntegerT, /) -> _IntegerT: ...
    def __or__(self, other: int, /) -> np.bool | intp: ...
    __ror__ = __or__

    __mod__: _BoolMod
    __rmod__: _BoolMod
    __divmod__: _BoolDivMod
    __rdivmod__: _BoolDivMod

    __lt__: _ComparisonOpLT[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]
    __le__: _ComparisonOpLE[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]
    __gt__: _ComparisonOpGT[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]
    __ge__: _ComparisonOpGE[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]

# NOTE: This should _not_ be `Final` or a `TypeAlias`
bool_ = bool

# NOTE: The `object_` constructor returns the passed object, so instances with type
# `object_` cannot exists (at runtime).
# NOTE: Because mypy has some long-standing bugs related to `__new__`, `object_` can't
# be made generic.
class object_(_RealMixin, generic):
    def __new__(cls, nothing_to_see_here: None = None, /) -> None: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __new__(cls, stringy: _AnyStr, /) -> _AnyStr: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __new__(cls, array: ndarray[_ShapeT, Any], /) -> ndarray[_ShapeT, dtype[Self]]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __new__(cls, sequence: SupportsLenAndGetItem[object], /) -> NDArray[Self]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __new__(cls, value: _T, /) -> _T: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    @overload  # catch-all
    def __new__(cls, value: Any = ..., /) -> object | NDArray[Self]: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __init__(self, value: object = ..., /) -> None: ...

    if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
        def __release_buffer__(self, buffer: memoryview, /) -> None: ...

class integer(_IntegralMixin, _RoundMixin, number[_NBit, int]):
    def __init__(self, value: _ConvertibleToInt = ..., /) -> None: ...

    # NOTE: `bit_count` and `__index__` are technically defined in the concrete subtypes
    def bit_count(self, /) -> int: ...
    def __index__(self, /) -> int: ...
    def __invert__(self, /) -> Self: ...

    __truediv__: _IntTrueDiv[_NBit]
    __rtruediv__: _IntTrueDiv[_NBit]
    def __mod__(self, value: _IntLike_co, /) -> integer[Any]: ...
    def __rmod__(self, value: _IntLike_co, /) -> integer[Any]: ...
    # Ensure that objects annotated as `integer` support bit-wise operations
    def __lshift__(self, other: _IntLike_co, /) -> integer[Any]: ...
    def __rlshift__(self, other: _IntLike_co, /) -> integer[Any]: ...
    def __rshift__(self, other: _IntLike_co, /) -> integer[Any]: ...
    def __rrshift__(self, other: _IntLike_co, /) -> integer[Any]: ...
    def __and__(self, other: _IntLike_co, /) -> integer[Any]: ...
    def __rand__(self, other: _IntLike_co, /) -> integer[Any]: ...
    def __or__(self, other: _IntLike_co, /) -> integer[Any]: ...
    def __ror__(self, other: _IntLike_co, /) -> integer[Any]: ...
    def __xor__(self, other: _IntLike_co, /) -> integer[Any]: ...
    def __rxor__(self, other: _IntLike_co, /) -> integer[Any]: ...

class signedinteger(integer[_NBit1]):
    def __init__(self, value: _ConvertibleToInt = ..., /) -> None: ...

    __add__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __radd__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __sub__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __rsub__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __mul__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __rmul__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __floordiv__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __rfloordiv__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __pow__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __rpow__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __lshift__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __rlshift__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __rshift__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __rrshift__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __and__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __rand__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __xor__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __rxor__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __or__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __ror__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __mod__: _SignedIntMod[_NBit1]
    __rmod__: _SignedIntMod[_NBit1]
    __divmod__: _SignedIntDivMod[_NBit1]
    __rdivmod__: _SignedIntDivMod[_NBit1]

int8 = signedinteger[_8Bit]
int16 = signedinteger[_16Bit]
int32 = signedinteger[_32Bit]
int64 = signedinteger[_64Bit]

byte = signedinteger[_NBitByte]
short = signedinteger[_NBitShort]
intc = signedinteger[_NBitIntC]
intp = signedinteger[_NBitIntP]
int_ = intp
long = signedinteger[_NBitLong]
longlong = signedinteger[_NBitLongLong]

class unsignedinteger(integer[_NBit1]):
    # NOTE: `uint64 + signedinteger -> float64`
    def __init__(self, value: _ConvertibleToInt = ..., /) -> None: ...

    __add__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __radd__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __sub__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __rsub__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __mul__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __rmul__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __floordiv__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __rfloordiv__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __pow__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __rpow__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
    __lshift__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __rlshift__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __rshift__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __rrshift__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __and__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __rand__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __xor__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __rxor__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __or__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __ror__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
    __mod__: _UnsignedIntMod[_NBit1]
    __rmod__: _UnsignedIntMod[_NBit1]
    __divmod__: _UnsignedIntDivMod[_NBit1]
    __rdivmod__: _UnsignedIntDivMod[_NBit1]

uint8: TypeAlias = unsignedinteger[_8Bit]
uint16: TypeAlias = unsignedinteger[_16Bit]
uint32: TypeAlias = unsignedinteger[_32Bit]
uint64: TypeAlias = unsignedinteger[_64Bit]

ubyte: TypeAlias = unsignedinteger[_NBitByte]
ushort: TypeAlias = unsignedinteger[_NBitShort]
uintc: TypeAlias = unsignedinteger[_NBitIntC]
uintp: TypeAlias = unsignedinteger[_NBitIntP]
uint: TypeAlias = uintp
ulong: TypeAlias = unsignedinteger[_NBitLong]
ulonglong: TypeAlias = unsignedinteger[_NBitLongLong]

class inexact(number[_NBit, _InexactItemT_co], Generic[_NBit, _InexactItemT_co]):
    def __init__(self, value: _InexactItemT_co | None = ..., /) -> None: ...

class floating(_RealMixin, _RoundMixin, inexact[_NBit1, float]):
    def __init__(self, value: _ConvertibleToFloat | None = ..., /) -> None: ...

    __add__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
    __radd__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
    __sub__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
    __rsub__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
    __mul__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
    __rmul__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
    __truediv__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
    __rtruediv__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
    __floordiv__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
    __rfloordiv__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
    __pow__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
    __rpow__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
    __mod__: _FloatMod[_NBit1]
    __rmod__: _FloatMod[_NBit1]
    __divmod__: _FloatDivMod[_NBit1]
    __rdivmod__: _FloatDivMod[_NBit1]

    # NOTE: `is_integer` and `as_integer_ratio` are technically defined in the concrete subtypes
    def is_integer(self, /) -> builtins.bool: ...
    def as_integer_ratio(self, /) -> tuple[int, int]: ...

float16: TypeAlias = floating[_16Bit]
float32: TypeAlias = floating[_32Bit]

# either a C `double`, `float`, or `longdouble`
class float64(floating[_64Bit], float):  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __new__(cls, x: _ConvertibleToFloat | None = ..., /) -> Self: ...

    def itemsize(self) -> L[8]: ...
    def nbytes(self) -> L[8]: ...

    # overrides for `floating` and `builtins.float` compatibility (`_RealMixin` doesn't work)
    def real(self) -> Self: ...
    def imag(self) -> Self: ...
    def conjugate(self) -> Self: ...
    def __getformat__(self, typestr: L["double", "float"], /) -> str: ...
    def __getnewargs__(self, /) -> tuple[float]: ...

    # float64-specific operator overrides
    def __add__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> float64: ...
    def __add__(self, other: complexfloating[_64Bit, _64Bit], /) -> complex128: ...
    def __add__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __add__(self, other: complex, /) -> float64 | complex128: ...
    def __radd__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> float64: ...
    def __radd__(self, other: complexfloating[_64Bit, _64Bit], /) -> complex128: ...
    def __radd__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __radd__(self, other: complex, /) -> float64 | complex128: ...

    def __sub__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> float64: ...
    def __sub__(self, other: complexfloating[_64Bit, _64Bit], /) -> complex128: ...
    def __sub__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __sub__(self, other: complex, /) -> float64 | complex128: ...
    def __rsub__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> float64: ...
    def __rsub__(self, other: complexfloating[_64Bit, _64Bit], /) -> complex128: ...
    def __rsub__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __rsub__(self, other: complex, /) -> float64 | complex128: ...

    def __mul__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> float64: ...
    def __mul__(self, other: complexfloating[_64Bit, _64Bit], /) -> complex128: ...
    def __mul__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __mul__(self, other: complex, /) -> float64 | complex128: ...
    def __rmul__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> float64: ...
    def __rmul__(self, other: complexfloating[_64Bit, _64Bit], /) -> complex128: ...
    def __rmul__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __rmul__(self, other: complex, /) -> float64 | complex128: ...

    def __truediv__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> float64: ...
    def __truediv__(self, other: complexfloating[_64Bit, _64Bit], /) -> complex128: ...
    def __truediv__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __truediv__(self, other: complex, /) -> float64 | complex128: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> float64: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self, other: complexfloating[_64Bit, _64Bit], /) -> complex128: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self, other: complex, /) -> float64 | complex128: ...

    def __floordiv__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> float64: ...
    def __floordiv__(self, other: complexfloating[_64Bit, _64Bit], /) -> complex128: ...
    def __floordiv__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __floordiv__(self, other: complex, /) -> float64 | complex128: ...
    def __rfloordiv__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> float64: ...
    def __rfloordiv__(self, other: complexfloating[_64Bit, _64Bit], /) -> complex128: ...
    def __rfloordiv__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __rfloordiv__(self, other: complex, /) -> float64 | complex128: ...

    def __pow__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> float64: ...
    def __pow__(self, other: complexfloating[_64Bit, _64Bit], /) -> complex128: ...
    def __pow__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __pow__(self, other: complex, /) -> float64 | complex128: ...
    def __rpow__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> float64: ...
    def __rpow__(self, other: complexfloating[_64Bit, _64Bit], /) -> complex128: ...
    def __rpow__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __rpow__(self, other: complex, /) -> float64 | complex128: ...

    def __mod__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> float64: ...  # type: ignore[override]
    def __rmod__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> float64: ...  # type: ignore[override]

    def __divmod__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> _2Tuple[float64]: ...  # type: ignore[override]
    def __rdivmod__(self, other: _Float64_co, /) -> _2Tuple[float64]: ...  # type: ignore[override]

half: TypeAlias = floating[_NBitHalf]
single: TypeAlias = floating[_NBitSingle]
double: TypeAlias = floating[_NBitDouble]
longdouble: TypeAlias = floating[_NBitLongDouble]

# The main reason for `complexfloating` having two typevars is cosmetic.
# It is used to clarify why `complex128`s precision is `_64Bit`, the latter
# describing the two 64 bit floats representing its real and imaginary component

class complexfloating(inexact[_NBit1, complex], Generic[_NBit1, _NBit2]):
    def __init__(
        real: complex | SupportsComplex | SupportsFloat | SupportsIndex = ...,
        imag: complex | SupportsFloat | SupportsIndex = ...,
    ) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self, real: _ConvertibleToComplex | None = ..., /) -> None: ...

    def real(self) -> floating[_NBit1]: ...  # type: ignore[override]
    def imag(self) -> floating[_NBit2]: ...  # type: ignore[override]

    # NOTE: `__complex__` is technically defined in the concrete subtypes
    def __complex__(self, /) -> complex: ...
    def __abs__(self, /) -> floating[_NBit1 | _NBit2]: ...  # type: ignore[override]
        "The Python built-in `round` is deprecated for complex scalars, and will raise a `TypeError` in a future release. "
        "Use `np.round` or `scalar.round` instead."
    def __round__(self, /, ndigits: SupportsIndex | None = None) -> Self: ...

    def __add__(self, other: _Complex64_co, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2]: ...
    def __add__(self, other: complex | float64 | complex128, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complex128: ...
    def __add__(self, other: number[_NBit], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complexfloating[_NBit, _NBit]: ...
    def __radd__(self, other: _Complex64_co, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2]: ...
    def __radd__(self, other: complex, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complex128: ...
    def __radd__(self, other: number[_NBit], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complexfloating[_NBit, _NBit]: ...

    def __sub__(self, other: _Complex64_co, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2]: ...
    def __sub__(self, other: complex | float64 | complex128, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complex128: ...
    def __sub__(self, other: number[_NBit], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complexfloating[_NBit, _NBit]: ...
    def __rsub__(self, other: _Complex64_co, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2]: ...
    def __rsub__(self, other: complex, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complex128: ...
    def __rsub__(self, other: number[_NBit], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complexfloating[_NBit, _NBit]: ...

    def __mul__(self, other: _Complex64_co, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2]: ...
    def __mul__(self, other: complex | float64 | complex128, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complex128: ...
    def __mul__(self, other: number[_NBit], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complexfloating[_NBit, _NBit]: ...
    def __rmul__(self, other: _Complex64_co, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2]: ...
    def __rmul__(self, other: complex, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complex128: ...
    def __rmul__(self, other: number[_NBit], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complexfloating[_NBit, _NBit]: ...

    def __truediv__(self, other: _Complex64_co, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2]: ...
    def __truediv__(self, other: complex | float64 | complex128, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complex128: ...
    def __truediv__(self, other: number[_NBit], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complexfloating[_NBit, _NBit]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self, other: _Complex64_co, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self, other: complex, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complex128: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self, other: number[_NBit], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complexfloating[_NBit, _NBit]: ...

    def __pow__(self, other: _Complex64_co, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2]: ...
    def __pow__(self, other: complex | float64 | complex128, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complex128: ...
    def __pow__(self, other: number[_NBit], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complexfloating[_NBit, _NBit]: ...
    def __rpow__(self, other: _Complex64_co, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2]: ...
    def __rpow__(self, other: complex, /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complex128: ...
    def __rpow__(self, other: number[_NBit], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2] | complexfloating[_NBit, _NBit]: ...

complex64: TypeAlias = complexfloating[_32Bit, _32Bit]

class complex128(complexfloating[_64Bit, _64Bit], complex):  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __new__(
        real: complex | SupportsComplex | SupportsFloat | SupportsIndex = ...,
        imag: complex | SupportsFloat | SupportsIndex = ...,
    ) -> Self: ...
    def __new__(cls, real: _ConvertibleToComplex | None = ..., /) -> Self: ...

    def itemsize(self) -> L[16]: ...
    def nbytes(self) -> L[16]: ...

    # overrides for `floating` and `builtins.float` compatibility
    def real(self) -> float64: ...
    def imag(self) -> float64: ...
    def conjugate(self) -> Self: ...
    def __abs__(self) -> float64: ...  # type: ignore[override]
    def __getnewargs__(self, /) -> tuple[float, float]: ...

    # complex128-specific operator overrides
    def __add__(self, other: _Complex128_co, /) -> complex128: ...
    def __add__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __radd__(self, other: _Complex128_co, /) -> complex128: ...

    def __sub__(self, other: _Complex128_co, /) -> complex128: ...
    def __sub__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __rsub__(self, other: _Complex128_co, /) -> complex128: ...

    def __mul__(self, other: _Complex128_co, /) -> complex128: ...
    def __mul__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __rmul__(self, other: _Complex128_co, /) -> complex128: ...

    def __truediv__(self, other: _Complex128_co, /) -> complex128: ...
    def __truediv__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self, other: _Complex128_co, /) -> complex128: ...

    def __pow__(self, other: _Complex128_co, /) -> complex128: ...
    def __pow__(self, other: complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit2], /) -> complexfloating[_NBit1 | _64Bit, _NBit2 | _64Bit]: ...
    def __rpow__(self, other: _Complex128_co, /) -> complex128: ...

csingle: TypeAlias = complexfloating[_NBitSingle, _NBitSingle]
cdouble: TypeAlias = complexfloating[_NBitDouble, _NBitDouble]
clongdouble: TypeAlias = complexfloating[_NBitLongDouble, _NBitLongDouble]

class timedelta64(_IntegralMixin, generic[_TD64ItemT_co], Generic[_TD64ItemT_co]):
    def itemsize(self) -> L[8]: ...
    def nbytes(self) -> L[8]: ...

    def __init__(self, value: _TD64ItemT_co | timedelta64[_TD64ItemT_co], /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self: timedelta64[L[0]], /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self: timedelta64[None], value: _NaTValue | None, format: _TimeUnitSpec, /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self: timedelta64[L[0]], value: L[0], format: _TimeUnitSpec[_IntTD64Unit] = ..., /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self: timedelta64[int], value: _IntLike_co, format: _TimeUnitSpec[_IntTD64Unit] = ..., /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self: timedelta64[int], value: dt.timedelta, format: _TimeUnitSpec[_IntTimeUnit], /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(
        self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta],
        value: dt.timedelta | _IntLike_co,
        format: _TimeUnitSpec[_NativeTD64Unit] = ...,
    ) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self, value: _ConvertibleToTD64, format: _TimeUnitSpec = ..., /) -> None: ...

    # NOTE: Only a limited number of units support conversion
    # to builtin scalar types: `Y`, `M`, `ns`, `ps`, `fs`, `as`
    def __int__(self: timedelta64[int], /) -> int: ...
    def __float__(self: timedelta64[int], /) -> float: ...

    def __neg__(self, /) -> Self: ...
    def __pos__(self, /) -> Self: ...
    def __abs__(self, /) -> Self: ...

    def __add__(self: timedelta64[None], x: _TD64Like_co, /) -> timedelta64[None]: ...
    def __add__(self: timedelta64[int], x: timedelta64[int | dt.timedelta], /) -> timedelta64[int]: ...
    def __add__(self: timedelta64[int], x: timedelta64, /) -> timedelta64[int | None]: ...
    def __add__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], x: _AnyDateOrTime, /) -> _AnyDateOrTime: ...
    def __add__(self: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item], x: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item] | _IntLike_co, /) -> timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item]: ...
    def __add__(self, x: timedelta64[None], /) -> timedelta64[None]: ...
    __radd__ = __add__

    def __mul__(self: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item], x: int | np.integer[Any] | np.bool, /) -> timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item]: ...
    def __mul__(self: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item], x: float | np.floating[Any], /) -> timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item | None]: ...
    def __mul__(self, x: float | np.floating[Any] | np.integer[Any] | np.bool, /) -> timedelta64: ...
    __rmul__ = __mul__

    def __mod__(self, x: timedelta64[None | L[0]], /) -> timedelta64[None]: ...
    def __mod__(self: timedelta64[None], x: timedelta64, /) -> timedelta64[None]: ...
    def __mod__(self: timedelta64[int], x: timedelta64[int | dt.timedelta], /) -> timedelta64[int | None]: ...
    def __mod__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], x: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item], /) -> timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item | None]: ...
    def __mod__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], x: dt.timedelta, /) -> dt.timedelta: ...
    def __mod__(self, x: timedelta64[int], /) -> timedelta64[int | None]: ...
    def __mod__(self, x: timedelta64, /) -> timedelta64: ...

    # the L[0] makes __mod__ non-commutative, which the first two overloads reflect
    def __rmod__(self, x: timedelta64[None], /) -> timedelta64[None]: ...
    def __rmod__(self: timedelta64[None | L[0]], x: timedelta64, /) -> timedelta64[None]: ...
    def __rmod__(self: timedelta64[int], x: timedelta64[int | dt.timedelta], /) -> timedelta64[int | None]: ...
    def __rmod__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], x: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item], /) -> timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item | None]: ...
    def __rmod__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], x: dt.timedelta, /) -> dt.timedelta: ...
    def __rmod__(self, x: timedelta64[int], /) -> timedelta64[int | None]: ...
    def __rmod__(self, x: timedelta64, /) -> timedelta64: ...

    # keep in sync with __mod__
    def __divmod__(self, x: timedelta64[None | L[0]], /) -> tuple[int64, timedelta64[None]]: ...
    def __divmod__(self: timedelta64[None], x: timedelta64, /) -> tuple[int64, timedelta64[None]]: ...
    def __divmod__(self: timedelta64[int], x: timedelta64[int | dt.timedelta], /) -> tuple[int64, timedelta64[int | None]]: ...
    def __divmod__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], x: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item], /) -> tuple[int64, timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item | None]]: ...
    def __divmod__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], x: dt.timedelta, /) -> tuple[int, dt.timedelta]: ...
    def __divmod__(self, x: timedelta64[int], /) -> tuple[int64, timedelta64[int | None]]: ...
    def __divmod__(self, x: timedelta64, /) -> tuple[int64, timedelta64]: ...

    # keep in sync with __rmod__
    def __rdivmod__(self, x: timedelta64[None], /) -> tuple[int64, timedelta64[None]]: ...
    def __rdivmod__(self: timedelta64[None | L[0]], x: timedelta64, /) -> tuple[int64, timedelta64[None]]: ...
    def __rdivmod__(self: timedelta64[int], x: timedelta64[int | dt.timedelta], /) -> tuple[int64, timedelta64[int | None]]: ...
    def __rdivmod__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], x: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item], /) -> tuple[int64, timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item | None]]: ...
    def __rdivmod__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], x: dt.timedelta, /) -> tuple[int, dt.timedelta]: ...
    def __rdivmod__(self, x: timedelta64[int], /) -> tuple[int64, timedelta64[int | None]]: ...
    def __rdivmod__(self, x: timedelta64, /) -> tuple[int64, timedelta64]: ...

    def __sub__(self: timedelta64[None], b: _TD64Like_co, /) -> timedelta64[None]: ...
    def __sub__(self: timedelta64[int], b: timedelta64[int | dt.timedelta], /) -> timedelta64[int]: ...
    def __sub__(self: timedelta64[int], b: timedelta64, /) -> timedelta64[int | None]: ...
    def __sub__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], b: dt.timedelta, /) -> dt.timedelta: ...
    def __sub__(self: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item], b: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item] | _IntLike_co, /) -> timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item]: ...
    def __sub__(self, b: timedelta64[None], /) -> timedelta64[None]: ...

    def __rsub__(self: timedelta64[None], a: _TD64Like_co, /) -> timedelta64[None]: ...
    def __rsub__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], a: _AnyDateOrTime, /) -> _AnyDateOrTime: ...
    def __rsub__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], a: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item], /) -> timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item]: ...
    def __rsub__(self: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item], a: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item] | _IntLike_co, /) -> timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item]: ...
    def __rsub__(self, a: timedelta64[None], /) -> timedelta64[None]: ...
    def __rsub__(self, a: datetime64[None], /) -> datetime64[None]: ...

    def __truediv__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], b: dt.timedelta, /) -> float: ...
    def __truediv__(self, b: timedelta64, /) -> float64: ...
    def __truediv__(self: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item], b: int | integer, /) -> timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item]: ...
    def __truediv__(self: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item], b: float | floating, /) -> timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item | None]: ...
    def __truediv__(self, b: float | floating | integer, /) -> timedelta64: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], a: dt.timedelta, /) -> float: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self, a: timedelta64, /) -> float64: ...

    def __floordiv__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], b: dt.timedelta, /) -> int: ...
    def __floordiv__(self, b: timedelta64, /) -> int64: ...
    def __floordiv__(self: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item], b: int | integer, /) -> timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item]: ...
    def __floordiv__(self: timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item], b: float | floating, /) -> timedelta64[_AnyTD64Item | None]: ...
    def __rfloordiv__(self: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], a: dt.timedelta, /) -> int: ...
    def __rfloordiv__(self, a: timedelta64, /) -> int64: ...

    __lt__: _ComparisonOpLT[_TD64Like_co, _ArrayLikeTD64_co]
    __le__: _ComparisonOpLE[_TD64Like_co, _ArrayLikeTD64_co]
    __gt__: _ComparisonOpGT[_TD64Like_co, _ArrayLikeTD64_co]
    __ge__: _ComparisonOpGE[_TD64Like_co, _ArrayLikeTD64_co]

class datetime64(_RealMixin, generic[_DT64ItemT_co], Generic[_DT64ItemT_co]):
    def itemsize(self) -> L[8]: ...
    def nbytes(self) -> L[8]: ...

    def __init__(self, value: datetime64[_DT64ItemT_co], /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self: datetime64[_AnyDT64Arg], value: _AnyDT64Arg, /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self: datetime64[None], value: _NaTValue | None = ..., format: _TimeUnitSpec = ..., /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self: datetime64[dt.datetime], value: _DT64Now, format: _TimeUnitSpec[_NativeTimeUnit] = ..., /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self: datetime64[], value: _DT64Date, format: _TimeUnitSpec[_DateUnit] = ..., /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self: datetime64[int], value: int | bytes | str |, format: _TimeUnitSpec[_IntTimeUnit], /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(
        self: datetime64[dt.datetime], value: int | bytes | str |, format: _TimeUnitSpec[_NativeTimeUnit], /
    ) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self: datetime64[], value: int | bytes | str |, format: _TimeUnitSpec[_DateUnit], /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self, value: bytes | str | | None, format: _TimeUnitSpec = ..., /) -> None: ...

    def __add__(self: datetime64[_AnyDT64Item], x: int | integer[Any] | np.bool, /) -> datetime64[_AnyDT64Item]: ...
    def __add__(self: datetime64[None], x: _TD64Like_co, /) -> datetime64[None]: ...
    def __add__(self: datetime64[int], x: timedelta64[int | dt.timedelta], /) -> datetime64[int]: ...
    def __add__(self: datetime64[dt.datetime], x: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], /) -> datetime64[dt.datetime]: ...
    def __add__(self: datetime64[], x: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], /) -> datetime64[]: ...
    def __add__(self: datetime64[], x: timedelta64[int], /) -> datetime64[int]: ...
    def __add__(self, x: datetime64[None], /) -> datetime64[None]: ...
    def __add__(self, x: _TD64Like_co, /) -> datetime64: ...
    __radd__ = __add__

    def __sub__(self: datetime64[_AnyDT64Item], x: int | integer[Any] | np.bool, /) -> datetime64[_AnyDT64Item]: ...
    def __sub__(self: datetime64[_AnyDate], x: _AnyDate, /) -> dt.timedelta: ...
    def __sub__(self: datetime64[None], x: timedelta64, /) -> datetime64[None]: ...
    def __sub__(self: datetime64[None], x: datetime64, /) -> timedelta64[None]: ...
    def __sub__(self: datetime64[int], x: timedelta64, /) -> datetime64[int]: ...
    def __sub__(self: datetime64[int], x: datetime64, /) -> timedelta64[int]: ...
    def __sub__(self: datetime64[dt.datetime], x: timedelta64[int], /) -> datetime64[int]: ...
    def __sub__(self: datetime64[dt.datetime], x: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], /) -> datetime64[dt.datetime]: ...
    def __sub__(self: datetime64[dt.datetime], x: datetime64[int], /) -> timedelta64[int]: ...
    def __sub__(self: datetime64[], x: timedelta64[int], /) -> datetime64[ | int]: ...
    def __sub__(self: datetime64[], x: timedelta64[dt.timedelta], /) -> datetime64[]: ...
    def __sub__(self: datetime64[], x: datetime64[], /) -> timedelta64[dt.timedelta]: ...
    def __sub__(self, x: timedelta64[None], /) -> datetime64[None]: ...
    def __sub__(self, x: datetime64[None], /) -> timedelta64[None]: ...
    def __sub__(self, x: _TD64Like_co, /) -> datetime64: ...
    def __sub__(self, x: datetime64, /) -> timedelta64: ...

    def __rsub__(self: datetime64[_AnyDT64Item], x: int | integer[Any] | np.bool, /) -> datetime64[_AnyDT64Item]: ...
    def __rsub__(self: datetime64[_AnyDate], x: _AnyDate, /) -> dt.timedelta: ...
    def __rsub__(self: datetime64[None], x: datetime64, /) -> timedelta64[None]: ...
    def __rsub__(self: datetime64[int], x: datetime64, /) -> timedelta64[int]: ...
    def __rsub__(self: datetime64[dt.datetime], x: datetime64[int], /) -> timedelta64[int]: ...
    def __rsub__(self: datetime64[dt.datetime], x: datetime64[], /) -> timedelta64[dt.timedelta]: ...
    def __rsub__(self, x: datetime64[None], /) -> timedelta64[None]: ...
    def __rsub__(self, x: datetime64, /) -> timedelta64: ...

    __lt__: _ComparisonOpLT[datetime64, _ArrayLikeDT64_co]
    __le__: _ComparisonOpLE[datetime64, _ArrayLikeDT64_co]
    __gt__: _ComparisonOpGT[datetime64, _ArrayLikeDT64_co]
    __ge__: _ComparisonOpGE[datetime64, _ArrayLikeDT64_co]

class flexible(_RealMixin, generic[_FlexibleItemT_co], Generic[_FlexibleItemT_co]): ...

class void(flexible[bytes | tuple[Any, ...]]):
    def __init__(self, value: _IntLike_co | bytes, /, dtype: None = None) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self, value: Any, /, dtype: _DTypeLikeVoid) -> None: ...

    def __getitem__(self, key: str | SupportsIndex, /) -> Any: ...
    def __getitem__(self, key: list[str], /) -> void: ...
    def __setitem__(self, key: str | list[str] | SupportsIndex, value: ArrayLike, /) -> None: ...

    def setfield(self, val: ArrayLike, dtype: DTypeLike, offset: int = ...) -> None: ...

class character(flexible[_CharacterItemT_co], Generic[_CharacterItemT_co]):
    def __init__(self, value: _CharacterItemT_co = ..., /) -> None: ...

# NOTE: Most `np.bytes_` / `np.str_` methods return their builtin `bytes` / `str` counterpart

class bytes_(character[bytes], bytes):
    def __new__(cls, o: object = ..., /) -> Self: ...
    def __new__(cls, s: str, /, encoding: str, errors: str = ...) -> Self: ...

    def __init__(self, o: object = ..., /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self, s: str, /, encoding: str, errors: str = ...) -> None: ...

    def __bytes__(self, /) -> bytes: ...

class str_(character[str], str):
    def __new__(cls, value: object = ..., /) -> Self: ...
    def __new__(cls, value: bytes, /, encoding: str = ..., errors: str = ...) -> Self: ...

    def __init__(self, value: object = ..., /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self, value: bytes, /, encoding: str = ..., errors: str = ...) -> None: ...

# See `numpy._typing._ufunc` for more concrete nin-/nout-specific stubs
class ufunc:
    def __name__(self) -> LiteralString: ...
    def __qualname__(self) -> LiteralString: ...
    def __doc__(self) -> str: ...
    def nin(self) -> int: ...
    def nout(self) -> int: ...
    def nargs(self) -> int: ...
    def ntypes(self) -> int: ...
    def types(self) -> list[LiteralString]: ...
    # Broad return type because it has to encompass things like
    # >>> np.logical_and.identity is True
    # True
    # >>> np.add.identity is 0
    # True
    # >>> np.sin.identity is None
    # True
    # and any user-defined ufuncs.
    def identity(self) -> Any: ...
    # This is None for ufuncs and a string for gufuncs.
    def signature(self) -> None | LiteralString: ...

    def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: ...
    # The next four methods will always exist, but they will just
    # raise a ValueError ufuncs with that don't accept two input
    # arguments and return one output argument. Because of that we
    # can't type them very precisely.
    def reduce(self, /, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: ...
    def accumulate(self, /, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    def reduceat(self, /, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    def outer(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: ...
    # Similarly at won't be defined for ufuncs that return multiple
    # outputs, so we can't type it very precisely.
    def at(self, /, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: ...

# Parameters: `__name__`, `ntypes` and `identity`
absolute: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['absolute'], L[20], None]
add: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['add'], L[22], L[0]]
arccos: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['arccos'], L[8], None]
arccosh: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['arccosh'], L[8], None]
arcsin: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['arcsin'], L[8], None]
arcsinh: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['arcsinh'], L[8], None]
arctan2: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['arctan2'], L[5], None]
arctan: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['arctan'], L[8], None]
arctanh: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['arctanh'], L[8], None]
bitwise_and: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['bitwise_and'], L[12], L[-1]]
bitwise_count: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['bitwise_count'], L[11], None]
bitwise_not: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['invert'], L[12], None]
bitwise_or: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['bitwise_or'], L[12], L[0]]
bitwise_xor: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['bitwise_xor'], L[12], L[0]]
cbrt: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['cbrt'], L[5], None]
ceil: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['ceil'], L[7], None]
conj: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['conjugate'], L[18], None]
conjugate: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['conjugate'], L[18], None]
copysign: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['copysign'], L[4], None]
cos: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['cos'], L[9], None]
cosh: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['cosh'], L[8], None]
deg2rad: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['deg2rad'], L[5], None]
degrees: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['degrees'], L[5], None]
divide: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['true_divide'], L[11], None]
divmod: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout2[L['divmod'], L[15], None]
equal: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['equal'], L[23], None]
exp2: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['exp2'], L[8], None]
exp: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['exp'], L[10], None]
expm1: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['expm1'], L[8], None]
fabs: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['fabs'], L[5], None]
float_power: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['float_power'], L[4], None]
floor: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['floor'], L[7], None]
floor_divide: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['floor_divide'], L[21], None]
fmax: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['fmax'], L[21], None]
fmin: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['fmin'], L[21], None]
fmod: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['fmod'], L[15], None]
frexp: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout2[L['frexp'], L[4], None]
gcd: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['gcd'], L[11], L[0]]
greater: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['greater'], L[23], None]
greater_equal: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['greater_equal'], L[23], None]
heaviside: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['heaviside'], L[4], None]
hypot: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['hypot'], L[5], L[0]]
invert: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['invert'], L[12], None]
isfinite: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['isfinite'], L[20], None]
isinf: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['isinf'], L[20], None]
isnan: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['isnan'], L[20], None]
isnat: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['isnat'], L[2], None]
lcm: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['lcm'], L[11], None]
ldexp: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['ldexp'], L[8], None]
left_shift: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['left_shift'], L[11], None]
less: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['less'], L[23], None]
less_equal: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['less_equal'], L[23], None]
log10: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['log10'], L[8], None]
log1p: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['log1p'], L[8], None]
log2: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['log2'], L[8], None]
log: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['log'], L[10], None]
logaddexp2: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['logaddexp2'], L[4], float]
logaddexp: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['logaddexp'], L[4], float]
logical_and: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['logical_and'], L[20], L[True]]
logical_not: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['logical_not'], L[20], None]
logical_or: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['logical_or'], L[20], L[False]]
logical_xor: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['logical_xor'], L[19], L[False]]
matmul: _GUFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['matmul'], L[19], None, L["(n?,k),(k,m?)->(n?,m?)"]]
matvec: _GUFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['matvec'], L[19], None, L["(m,n),(n)->(m)"]]
maximum: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['maximum'], L[21], None]
minimum: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['minimum'], L[21], None]
mod: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['remainder'], L[16], None]
modf: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout2[L['modf'], L[4], None]
multiply: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['multiply'], L[23], L[1]]
negative: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['negative'], L[19], None]
nextafter: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['nextafter'], L[4], None]
not_equal: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['not_equal'], L[23], None]
positive: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['positive'], L[19], None]
power: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['power'], L[18], None]
rad2deg: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['rad2deg'], L[5], None]
radians: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['radians'], L[5], None]
reciprocal: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['reciprocal'], L[18], None]
remainder: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['remainder'], L[16], None]
right_shift: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['right_shift'], L[11], None]
rint: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['rint'], L[10], None]
sign: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['sign'], L[19], None]
signbit: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['signbit'], L[4], None]
sin: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['sin'], L[9], None]
sinh: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['sinh'], L[8], None]
spacing: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['spacing'], L[4], None]
sqrt: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['sqrt'], L[10], None]
square: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['square'], L[18], None]
subtract: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['subtract'], L[21], None]
tan: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['tan'], L[8], None]
tanh: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['tanh'], L[8], None]
true_divide: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['true_divide'], L[11], None]
trunc: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['trunc'], L[7], None]
vecdot: _GUFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['vecdot'], L[19], None, L["(n),(n)->()"]]
vecmat: _GUFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['vecmat'], L[19], None, L["(n),(n,m)->(m)"]]

abs = absolute
acos = arccos
acosh = arccosh
asin = arcsin
asinh = arcsinh
atan = arctan
atanh = arctanh
atan2 = arctan2
concat = concatenate
bitwise_left_shift = left_shift
bitwise_invert = invert
bitwise_right_shift = right_shift
permute_dims = transpose
pow = power

class errstate:
    def __init__(
        call: _ErrCall = ...,
        all: None | _ErrKind = ...,
        divide: None | _ErrKind = ...,
        over: None | _ErrKind = ...,
        under: None | _ErrKind = ...,
        invalid: None | _ErrKind = ...,
    ) -> None: ...
    def __enter__(self) -> None: ...
    def __exit__(
        exc_type: None | type[BaseException],
        exc_value: None | BaseException,
        traceback: None | TracebackType,
    ) -> None: ...
    def __call__(self, func: _CallableT) -> _CallableT: ...

class ndenumerate(Generic[_SCT_co]):
    def iter(self) -> flatiter[NDArray[_SCT_co]]: ...

    def __new__(
        cls, arr: _FiniteNestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[_SCT]]],
    ) -> ndenumerate[_SCT]: ...
    def __new__(cls, arr: str | _NestedSequence[str]) -> ndenumerate[str_]: ...
    def __new__(cls, arr: bytes | _NestedSequence[bytes]) -> ndenumerate[bytes_]: ...
    def __new__(cls, arr: builtins.bool | _NestedSequence[builtins.bool]) -> ndenumerate[np.bool]: ...
    def __new__(cls, arr: int | _NestedSequence[int]) -> ndenumerate[int_]: ...
    def __new__(cls, arr: float | _NestedSequence[float]) -> ndenumerate[float64]: ...
    def __new__(cls, arr: complex | _NestedSequence[complex]) -> ndenumerate[complex128]: ...
    def __new__(cls, arr: object) -> ndenumerate[object_]: ...

    # The first overload is a (semi-)workaround for a mypy bug (tested with v1.10 and v1.11)
    def __next__(
        self: ndenumerate[np.bool | datetime64 | timedelta64 | number[Any] | flexible],
    ) -> tuple[_Shape, _SCT_co]: ...
    def __next__(self: ndenumerate[object_], /) -> tuple[_Shape, Any]: ...
    def __next__(self, /) -> tuple[_Shape, _SCT_co]: ...

    def __iter__(self) -> Self: ...

class ndindex:
    def __init__(self, shape: tuple[SupportsIndex, ...], /) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self, *shape: SupportsIndex) -> None: ...
    def __iter__(self) -> Self: ...
    def __next__(self) -> _Shape: ...

# TODO: The type of each `__next__` and `iters` return-type depends
# on the length and dtype of `args`; we can't describe this behavior yet
# as we lack variadics (PEP 646).
class broadcast:
    def __new__(cls, *args: ArrayLike) -> broadcast: ...
    def index(self) -> int: ...
    def iters(self) -> tuple[flatiter[Any], ...]: ...
    def nd(self) -> int: ...
    def ndim(self) -> int: ...
    def numiter(self) -> int: ...
    def shape(self) -> _Shape: ...
    def size(self) -> int: ...
    def __next__(self) -> tuple[Any, ...]: ...
    def __iter__(self) -> Self: ...
    def reset(self) -> None: ...

class busdaycalendar:
    def __new__(
        weekmask: ArrayLike = ...,
        holidays: ArrayLike | | _NestedSequence[] = ...,
    ) -> busdaycalendar: ...
    def weekmask(self) -> NDArray[np.bool]: ...
    def holidays(self) -> NDArray[datetime64]: ...

class finfo(Generic[_FloatingT_co]):
    dtype: Final[dtype[_FloatingT_co]]
    bits: Final[int]
    eps: Final[_FloatingT_co]
    epsneg: Final[_FloatingT_co]
    iexp: Final[int]
    machep: Final[int]
    max: Final[_FloatingT_co]
    maxexp: Final[int]
    min: Final[_FloatingT_co]
    minexp: Final[int]
    negep: Final[int]
    nexp: Final[int]
    nmant: Final[int]
    precision: Final[int]
    resolution: Final[_FloatingT_co]
    smallest_subnormal: Final[_FloatingT_co]
    def smallest_normal(self) -> _FloatingT_co: ...
    def tiny(self) -> _FloatingT_co: ...
    def __new__(
        cls, dtype: inexact[_NBit1] | _DTypeLike[inexact[_NBit1]]
    ) -> finfo[floating[_NBit1]]: ...
    def __new__(
        cls, dtype: complex | float | type[complex] | type[float]
    ) -> finfo[float64]: ...
    def __new__(
        cls, dtype: str
    ) -> finfo[floating[Any]]: ...

class iinfo(Generic[_IntegerT_co]):
    dtype: Final[dtype[_IntegerT_co]]
    kind: Final[LiteralString]
    bits: Final[int]
    key: Final[LiteralString]
    def min(self) -> int: ...
    def max(self) -> int: ...

    def __new__(
        cls, dtype: _IntegerT_co | _DTypeLike[_IntegerT_co]
    ) -> iinfo[_IntegerT_co]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: int | type[int]) -> iinfo[int_]: ...
    def __new__(cls, dtype: str) -> iinfo[Any]: ...

class nditer:
    def __new__(
        op: ArrayLike | Sequence[ArrayLike | None],
        flags: None | Sequence[_NDIterFlagsKind] = ...,
        op_flags: None | Sequence[Sequence[_NDIterFlagsOp]] = ...,
        op_dtypes: DTypeLike | Sequence[DTypeLike] = ...,
        order: _OrderKACF = ...,
        casting: _CastingKind = ...,
        op_axes: None | Sequence[Sequence[SupportsIndex]] = ...,
        itershape: None | _ShapeLike = ...,
        buffersize: SupportsIndex = ...,
    ) -> nditer: ...
    def __enter__(self) -> nditer: ...
    def __exit__(
        exc_type: None | type[BaseException],
        exc_value: None | BaseException,
        traceback: None | TracebackType,
    ) -> None: ...
    def __iter__(self) -> nditer: ...
    def __next__(self) -> tuple[NDArray[Any], ...]: ...
    def __len__(self) -> int: ...
    def __copy__(self) -> nditer: ...
    def __getitem__(self, index: SupportsIndex) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> tuple[NDArray[Any], ...]: ...
    def __setitem__(self, index: slice | SupportsIndex, value: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
    def close(self) -> None: ...
    def copy(self) -> nditer: ...
    def debug_print(self) -> None: ...
    def enable_external_loop(self) -> None: ...
    def iternext(self) -> builtins.bool: ...
    def remove_axis(self, i: SupportsIndex, /) -> None: ...
    def remove_multi_index(self) -> None: ...
    def reset(self) -> None: ...
    def dtypes(self) -> tuple[dtype[Any], ...]: ...
    def finished(self) -> builtins.bool: ...
    def has_delayed_bufalloc(self) -> builtins.bool: ...
    def has_index(self) -> builtins.bool: ...
    def has_multi_index(self) -> builtins.bool: ...
    def index(self) -> int: ...
    def iterationneedsapi(self) -> builtins.bool: ...
    def iterindex(self) -> int: ...
    def iterrange(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: ...
    def itersize(self) -> int: ...
    def itviews(self) -> tuple[NDArray[Any], ...]: ...
    def multi_index(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: ...
    def ndim(self) -> int: ...
    def nop(self) -> int: ...
    def operands(self) -> tuple[NDArray[Any], ...]: ...
    def shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: ...
    def value(self) -> tuple[NDArray[Any], ...]: ...

class memmap(ndarray[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co]):
    __array_priority__: ClassVar[float]
    filename: str | None
    offset: int
    mode: str
    def __new__(
        filename: StrOrBytesPath | _SupportsFileMethodsRW,
        dtype: type[uint8] = ...,
        mode: _MemMapModeKind = ...,
        offset: int = ...,
        shape: None | int | tuple[int, ...] = ...,
        order: _OrderKACF = ...,
    ) -> memmap[Any, dtype[uint8]]: ...
    def __new__(
        filename: StrOrBytesPath | _SupportsFileMethodsRW,
        dtype: _DTypeLike[_SCT],
        mode: _MemMapModeKind = ...,
        offset: int = ...,
        shape: None | int | tuple[int, ...] = ...,
        order: _OrderKACF = ...,
    ) -> memmap[Any, dtype[_SCT]]: ...
    def __new__(
        filename: StrOrBytesPath | _SupportsFileMethodsRW,
        dtype: DTypeLike,
        mode: _MemMapModeKind = ...,
        offset: int = ...,
        shape: None | int | tuple[int, ...] = ...,
        order: _OrderKACF = ...,
    ) -> memmap[Any, dtype[Any]]: ...
    def __array_finalize__(self, obj: object) -> None: ...
    def __array_wrap__(
        array: memmap[_ShapeT_co, _DType_co],
        context: None | tuple[ufunc, tuple[Any, ...], int] = ...,
        return_scalar: builtins.bool = ...,
    ) -> Any: ...
    def flush(self) -> None: ...

# TODO: Add a mypy plugin for managing functions whose output type is dependent
# on the literal value of some sort of signature (e.g. `einsum` and `vectorize`)
class vectorize:
    pyfunc: Callable[..., Any]
    cache: builtins.bool
    signature: None | LiteralString
    otypes: None | LiteralString
    excluded: set[int | str]
    __doc__: None | str
    def __init__(
        pyfunc: Callable[..., Any],
        otypes: None | str | Iterable[DTypeLike] = ...,
        doc: None | str = ...,
        excluded: None | Iterable[int | str] = ...,
        cache: builtins.bool = ...,
        signature: None | str = ...,
    ) -> None: ...
    def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: ...

class poly1d:
    def variable(self) -> LiteralString: ...
    def order(self) -> int: ...
    def o(self) -> int: ...
    def roots(self) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    def r(self) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

    def coeffs(self) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    def coeffs(self, value: NDArray[Any]) -> None: ...

    def c(self) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    def c(self, value: NDArray[Any]) -> None: ...

    def coef(self) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    def coef(self, value: NDArray[Any]) -> None: ...

    def coefficients(self) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
    def coefficients(self, value: NDArray[Any]) -> None: ...

    __hash__: ClassVar[None]  # type: ignore[assignment]  # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleMethodOverride]

    def __array__(self, /, t: None = None, copy: builtins.bool | None = None) -> ndarray[tuple[int], dtype[Any]]: ...
    def __array__(self, /, t: _DType, copy: builtins.bool | None = None) -> ndarray[tuple[int], _DType]: ...

    def __call__(self, val: _ScalarLike_co) -> Any: ...
    def __call__(self, val: poly1d) -> poly1d: ...
    def __call__(self, val: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

    def __init__(
        c_or_r: ArrayLike,
        r: builtins.bool = ...,
        variable: None | str = ...,
    ) -> None: ...
    def __len__(self) -> int: ...
    def __neg__(self) -> poly1d: ...
    def __pos__(self) -> poly1d: ...
    def __mul__(self, other: ArrayLike, /) -> poly1d: ...
    def __rmul__(self, other: ArrayLike, /) -> poly1d: ...
    def __add__(self, other: ArrayLike, /) -> poly1d: ...
    def __radd__(self, other: ArrayLike, /) -> poly1d: ...
    def __pow__(self, val: _FloatLike_co, /) -> poly1d: ...  # Integral floats are accepted
    def __sub__(self, other: ArrayLike, /) -> poly1d: ...
    def __rsub__(self, other: ArrayLike, /) -> poly1d: ...
    def __div__(self, other: ArrayLike, /) -> poly1d: ...
    def __truediv__(self, other: ArrayLike, /) -> poly1d: ...
    def __rdiv__(self, other: ArrayLike, /) -> poly1d: ...
    def __rtruediv__(self, other: ArrayLike, /) -> poly1d: ...
    def __getitem__(self, val: int, /) -> Any: ...
    def __setitem__(self, key: int, val: Any, /) -> None: ...
    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Any]: ...
    def deriv(self, m: SupportsInt | SupportsIndex = ...) -> poly1d: ...
    def integ(
        m: SupportsInt | SupportsIndex = ...,
        k: None | _ArrayLikeComplex_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co = ...,
    ) -> poly1d: ...

class matrix(ndarray[_2DShapeT_co, _DType_co]):
    __array_priority__: ClassVar[float]
    def __new__(
        data: ArrayLike,
        dtype: DTypeLike = ...,
        copy: builtins.bool = ...,
    ) -> matrix[_2D, Any]: ...
    def __array_finalize__(self, obj: object) -> None: ...

    def __getitem__(
        key: (
            | _ArrayLikeInt_co
            | tuple[SupportsIndex | _ArrayLikeInt_co, ...]
    ) -> Any: ...
    def __getitem__(
        key: (
            | slice
            | EllipsisType
            | SupportsIndex
            | _ArrayLikeInt_co
            | tuple[None | slice | EllipsisType | _ArrayLikeInt_co | SupportsIndex, ...]
    ) -> matrix[_2D, _DType_co]: ...
    def __getitem__(self: NDArray[void], key: str, /) -> matrix[_2D, dtype[Any]]: ...
    def __getitem__(self: NDArray[void], key: list[str], /) -> matrix[_2DShapeT_co, dtype[void]]: ...

    def __mul__(self, other: ArrayLike, /) -> matrix[_2D, Any]: ...
    def __rmul__(self, other: ArrayLike, /) -> matrix[_2D, Any]: ...
    def __imul__(self, other: ArrayLike, /) -> matrix[_2DShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def __pow__(self, other: ArrayLike, /) -> matrix[_2D, Any]: ...
    def __ipow__(self, other: ArrayLike, /) -> matrix[_2DShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...

    def sum(self, axis: None = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ...) -> Any: ...
    def sum(self, axis: _ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ...) -> matrix[_2D, Any]: ...
    def sum(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _ArrayT = ...) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def mean(self, axis: None = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ...) -> Any: ...
    def mean(self, axis: _ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ...) -> matrix[_2D, Any]: ...
    def mean(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _ArrayT = ...) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def std(self, axis: None = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ddof: float = ...) -> Any: ...
    def std(self, axis: _ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ddof: float = ...) -> matrix[_2D, Any]: ...
    def std(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _ArrayT = ..., ddof: float = ...) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def var(self, axis: None = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ddof: float = ...) -> Any: ...
    def var(self, axis: _ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ddof: float = ...) -> matrix[_2D, Any]: ...
    def var(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _ArrayT = ..., ddof: float = ...) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def prod(self, axis: None = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ...) -> Any: ...
    def prod(self, axis: _ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ...) -> matrix[_2D, Any]: ...
    def prod(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _ArrayT = ...) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def any(self, axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> np.bool: ...
    def any(self, axis: _ShapeLike, out: None = ...) -> matrix[_2D, dtype[np.bool]]: ...
    def any(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _ArrayT = ...) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def all(self, axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> np.bool: ...
    def all(self, axis: _ShapeLike, out: None = ...) -> matrix[_2D, dtype[np.bool]]: ...
    def all(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _ArrayT = ...) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def max(self: NDArray[_SCT], axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> _SCT: ...
    def max(self, axis: _ShapeLike, out: None = ...) -> matrix[_2D, _DType_co]: ...
    def max(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _ArrayT = ...) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def min(self: NDArray[_SCT], axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> _SCT: ...
    def min(self, axis: _ShapeLike, out: None = ...) -> matrix[_2D, _DType_co]: ...
    def min(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _ArrayT = ...) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def argmax(self: NDArray[_SCT], axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> intp: ...
    def argmax(self, axis: _ShapeLike, out: None = ...) -> matrix[_2D, dtype[intp]]: ...
    def argmax(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _ArrayT = ...) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def argmin(self: NDArray[_SCT], axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> intp: ...
    def argmin(self, axis: _ShapeLike, out: None = ...) -> matrix[_2D, dtype[intp]]: ...
    def argmin(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _ArrayT = ...) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def ptp(self: NDArray[_SCT], axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> _SCT: ...
    def ptp(self, axis: _ShapeLike, out: None = ...) -> matrix[_2D, _DType_co]: ...
    def ptp(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _ArrayT = ...) -> _ArrayT: ...

    def squeeze(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ...) -> matrix[_2D, _DType_co]: ...
    def tolist(self: _SupportsItem[_T]) -> list[list[_T]]: ...
    def ravel(self, /, order: _OrderKACF = "C") -> matrix[tuple[L[1], int], _DType_co]: ...  # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleMethodOverride]
    def flatten(self, /, order: _OrderKACF = "C") -> matrix[tuple[L[1], int], _DType_co]: ...  # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleMethodOverride]

    def T(self) -> matrix[_2D, _DType_co]: ...
    def I(self) -> matrix[_2D, Any]: ...
    def A(self) -> ndarray[_2DShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def A1(self) -> ndarray[_Shape, _DType_co]: ...
    def H(self) -> matrix[_2D, _DType_co]: ...
    def getT(self) -> matrix[_2D, _DType_co]: ...
    def getI(self) -> matrix[_2D, Any]: ...
    def getA(self) -> ndarray[_2DShapeT_co, _DType_co]: ...
    def getA1(self) -> ndarray[_Shape, _DType_co]: ...
    def getH(self) -> matrix[_2D, _DType_co]: ...

def from_dlpack(
    x: _SupportsDLPack[None],
    device: L["cpu"] | None = None,
    copy: builtins.bool | None = None,
) -> NDArray[number[Any] | np.bool]: ...
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