Tests for numpy/_core/src/multiarray/conversion_utils.c
import re
import sys
import pytest
import numpy as np
import numpy._core._multiarray_tests as mt
from numpy._core.multiarray import CLIP, WRAP, RAISE
from numpy.testing import assert_warns, IS_PYPY
class StringConverterTestCase:
allow_bytes = True
case_insensitive = True
exact_match = False
warn = True
def _check_value_error(self, val):
pattern = r'\(got {}\)'.format(re.escape(repr(val)))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=pattern) as exc:
def _check_conv_assert_warn(self, val, expected):
if self.warn:
with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning) as exc:
assert self.conv(val) == expected
assert self.conv(val) == expected
def _check(self, val, expected):
"""Takes valid non-deprecated inputs for converters,
runs converters on inputs, checks correctness of outputs,
warnings and errors"""
assert self.conv(val) == expected
if self.allow_bytes:
assert self.conv(val.encode('ascii')) == expected
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
if len(val) != 1:
if self.exact_match:
self._check_value_error(val + '\0')
self._check_conv_assert_warn(val[:1], expected)
if self.case_insensitive:
if val != val.lower():
self._check_conv_assert_warn(val.lower(), expected)
if val != val.upper():
self._check_conv_assert_warn(val.upper(), expected)
if val != val.lower():
if val != val.upper():
def test_wrong_type(self):
# common cases which apply to all the below
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_wrong_value(self):
# nonsense strings
self._check_value_error('\N{greek small letter pi}')
if self.allow_bytes:
# bytes which can't be converted to strings via utf8
if self.exact_match:
self._check_value_error("there's no way this is supported")
class TestByteorderConverter(StringConverterTestCase):
""" Tests of PyArray_ByteorderConverter """
conv = mt.run_byteorder_converter
warn = False
def test_valid(self):
for s in ['big', '>']:
self._check(s, 'NPY_BIG')
for s in ['little', '<']:
self._check(s, 'NPY_LITTLE')
for s in ['native', '=']:
self._check(s, 'NPY_NATIVE')
for s in ['ignore', '|']:
self._check(s, 'NPY_IGNORE')
for s in ['swap']:
self._check(s, 'NPY_SWAP')
class TestSortkindConverter(StringConverterTestCase):
""" Tests of PyArray_SortkindConverter """
conv = mt.run_sortkind_converter
warn = False
def test_valid(self):
self._check('quicksort', 'NPY_QUICKSORT')
self._check('heapsort', 'NPY_HEAPSORT')
self._check('mergesort', 'NPY_STABLESORT') # alias
self._check('stable', 'NPY_STABLESORT')
class TestSelectkindConverter(StringConverterTestCase):
""" Tests of PyArray_SelectkindConverter """
conv = mt.run_selectkind_converter
case_insensitive = False
exact_match = True
def test_valid(self):
self._check('introselect', 'NPY_INTROSELECT')
class TestSearchsideConverter(StringConverterTestCase):
""" Tests of PyArray_SearchsideConverter """
conv = mt.run_searchside_converter
def test_valid(self):
self._check('left', 'NPY_SEARCHLEFT')
self._check('right', 'NPY_SEARCHRIGHT')
class TestOrderConverter(StringConverterTestCase):
""" Tests of PyArray_OrderConverter """
conv = mt.run_order_converter
warn = False
def test_valid(self):
self._check('c', 'NPY_CORDER')
self._check('f', 'NPY_FORTRANORDER')
self._check('a', 'NPY_ANYORDER')
self._check('k', 'NPY_KEEPORDER')
def test_flatten_invalid_order(self):
# invalid after gh-14596
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
for order in [False, True, 0, 8]:
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
class TestClipmodeConverter(StringConverterTestCase):
""" Tests of PyArray_ClipmodeConverter """
conv = mt.run_clipmode_converter
def test_valid(self):
self._check('clip', 'NPY_CLIP')
self._check('wrap', 'NPY_WRAP')
self._check('raise', 'NPY_RAISE')
# integer values allowed here
assert self.conv(CLIP) == 'NPY_CLIP'
assert self.conv(WRAP) == 'NPY_WRAP'
assert self.conv(RAISE) == 'NPY_RAISE'
class TestCastingConverter(StringConverterTestCase):
""" Tests of PyArray_CastingConverter """
conv = mt.run_casting_converter
case_insensitive = False
exact_match = True
def test_valid(self):
self._check("no", "NPY_NO_CASTING")
self._check("equiv", "NPY_EQUIV_CASTING")
self._check("safe", "NPY_SAFE_CASTING")
self._check("same_kind", "NPY_SAME_KIND_CASTING")
self._check("unsafe", "NPY_UNSAFE_CASTING")
class TestIntpConverter:
""" Tests of PyArray_IntpConverter """
conv = mt.run_intp_converter
def test_basic(self):
assert self.conv(1) == (1,)
assert self.conv((1, 2)) == (1, 2)
assert self.conv([1, 2]) == (1, 2)
assert self.conv(()) == ()
def test_none(self):
# once the warning expires, this will raise TypeError
with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
assert self.conv(None) == ()
@pytest.mark.skipif(IS_PYPY and sys.implementation.version <= (7, 3, 8),
reason="PyPy bug in error formatting")
def test_float(self):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
self.conv([1, 1.0])
def test_too_large(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_too_many_dims(self):
assert self.conv([1]*64) == (1,)*64
with pytest.raises(ValueError):